Monday, October 26, 2020

Mexico Now Admitting Its Covid-19 Death Toll Much Higher Than The Official Number

People wait in line before healthcare worker take samples for the coronavirus test at Coayoacán park, in Mexico City last week. Photograph: Henry Romero/Reuters 

Disease now suspected of killing at least 139,153 people compared with official toll of 88,924 Mexico’s government has admitted its Covid-19 death toll is dramatically higher than official figures have suggested, with the disease now suspected of killing at least 139,153 people. 

The official coronavirus death toll of Latin America’s second largest economy stands at 88,924 – the fourth highest number in the world after the US, Brazil and India. 

But on Sunday night officials conceded the true number of Covid-19 deaths was likely to be at least 50,000 higher. 

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WNU Editor: Bottom line. Mexico is really not sure on how many people have died from this pandemic.


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Anonymous said...

Mexico has a higher obesity rate than the US. It will have a higher death rate.

Bottom line

COVID death rate ∝ obesity rate.

There are simple cures to get death rates in the single digits per thousands or less, until you reach a low system reliability. Once you have a low system reliability, no one can help you. Those that say they can are looking for a maid, a butler, a muffin stuffer (i.e. a politician).

Anonymous said...

But but the Democrats told me that every country is truthful about covid and only our country sucks. Omg have they lied again?
I now fell two hundred and twenty seven times for their lies. My mom said I'm a slow learner. S L O W that spells slow. I'm gonna trust them on the Hunter Biden laptop though. CNN told me it's Russian propaganda and that Fred fella here seems mighty smart. I trust what he says


-- signed by every special needs Democrat

Anonymous said...

System reliability decreases as component reliability goes down

R=R1×R2×R3× ... ×Rn=ΠRj.

If we can treat the organs of the body as operating in series, individual organs could operate at 99% reliability and the body overall could be at 90% reliability. Most people would consider 90% reliability for waking up in the morning too low. I agree.

But there is not much you can do about it. As you get older components age in a car or in your body. It is physics.There is not much you can do about other than what people already do. Eat right, exercise and don't over indulge. You really don't need government for that.

Walking a mile a day is pretty easy. You don't need a government program. If you do need a government program, there probably already is one or someone is messing up policy.


Suppose a person can't walk a mile. It is too dangerous. They probably live in a liberal held city and the liberals have the guns and the stormtroopers. The liberal aristocracy could make it safer to walk by enforcing the law, but they are going in the opposite direction at light speed. They could peel off some gang members by having a vibrant economy,(jobs & record low black unemployment), but then they would not be beholden (i.e. enslaved) to you. You could also have programs to encourage people to go straight from a gang life, etc. But you cannot just have those programs, abolish the police and expect everything to be better than it was.

There is not much government can do about corona except what it already was doing. And Trump was doing it and doing it well.