Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Picture Of The Day

Supporters look on as President Trump delivers remarks during a campaign event at the Pickaway Agriculture and Event Center in Circleville, Ohio, October 24. REUTERS/Tom Brenner 

WNU Editor: The above picture came from this photo-gallery .... Crowds vs social distancing: The contrasting campaigns of Trump and Biden (Reuters).


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B.Poster said...

The size of this crowd is miniscule compared to the crowds generated by the George Floyd protests. Furthermore Trump rallies are limited events held in a small number of areas than the George Floyd protests which generated far larger crowds in many more areas. No one worried much about the George Floyd protests. In fact they were actively encouraged. Yet people are act absolutely hysterical in their opposition to the Trump rallies. Tentative conclusion: the government and the elite media do not truly believe COVID-19 is world altering problem they are trying to tell us it is. Essentially the virus is real and can and will be deadly to some. The hysteria is manmade. The size of this crowd is miniscule compared to the George Floyd protests which were actively encouraged.

Andrew Jackson said...

Stalin shot his wife in the face.