Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Poll Says Negative Views Of China And Chinese President Xi Are Soaring In Western Countries

Daily Mail: Negative views about China in Western countries are at record-high levels following the coronavirus outbreak, survey finds 

 * An US-based research centre conducted the study in 14 democratic countries 
 * The majority of 14,276 surveyed adults had an negative perception about China 
 * Such views rose to record-high levels especially in Britain and Australia, it is said 
 * It comes against the backdrop of the COVID-19 pandemic which began in China 

Negative perceptions of China have increased sharply among people in several Western countries – especially the UK and Australia – following the coronavirus outbreak, according to a new survey. 

The poll, conducted by the US-based Pew Research Centre in 14 democratic countries with advanced economies, showed a majority of people had an unfavourable view of China.

In Australia, Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Sweden, the United States, South Korea, Spain and Canada, negative views reached their highest points since Pew began polling on the topic more than a decade ago. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: China's handling of the Covid-19 coronavirus pandemic. Labor camps in Tibet and Xinjiang. Suppression in Hong Kong. Border clashes with India. Threatening war against Taiwan. Massive military buildup. Making territorial claims against almost all of its neighbors. Countries finding themselves in a debt trap to China because of incompetent borrowing. The reasons why many countries have an unfavorable view of China is long and (still) growing. The Pew Research Center study is here .... Unfavorable Views of China Reach Historic Highs in Many Countries (PEW Research).

 More News On The PEW Research Center's Finding On Global Views Towards China 


Anonymous said...

What, why?CNN told me to learn Chinese, invest in China and go travel in China, after buying Chinese products.

Has CNN been making money of me? :((

Just heard they have concentration camps over there... sniff... now I funded death.. sniff.. but cnn told me they're great. Mostly peaceful too...


Mike Feldhake said...
