Friday, October 23, 2020

President Trump Announces That Israel And Sudan Have Agreed To Normalize Ties


President Donald Trump announced Friday that Sudan and Israel have agreed to normalize relations -- a foreign policy achievement for the incumbent president less than two weeks before the US presidential election. 

"President @realDonaldTrump has announced that Sudan and Israel have agreed to the normalization of relations— another major step toward building peace in the Middle East with another nation joining the Abraham Accords," White House spokesperson Judd Deere said on Twitter. 

It is unclear if the deal establishes full diplomatic relations between the two nations. His announcement came shortly after the White House said he had informed Congress of his intent to remove Sudan from the state sponsor of terrorism list. The rescission of the 27-year old designation was widely seen as being tied to the deal with Israel, despite Khartoum's desire to keep the issues separate. 

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 More News On President Trump Announcing That Israel And Sudan Have Agreed To Normalize Ties


Anonymous said...

Putting on my beak, colorful plumage and thinking cap I predict the response will be that Obama started the ball rolling even though his sexetary of state John Kerry said it could not be done.

Why the long face?

Andrew Jackson said...

Trumpslide 2020!!!!

B.Poster said...

"Trumpslide 2020!!!! While I like the optimism of this statement, this particular agreement does nothing to enhance Trump's reelection chances but it does suggest that his internal polling and other factors are predicting a massive electoral win. Otherwise he and his team would not be devoting time and energy on this. Furthermore Israel and Sudan open themselves up for criticism here by doing this so close to a US election with the US participating. They may be accused of trying to assist Trump and risk alienating other key people. As such, to formalize now what had long been true informally strongly suggests that these parties are also expecting a Trump victory.

Anonymous said...

Comrade always knows how to rain on a parade unless it is Russian.

B.Poster said...

As there was nothing in my post that could be deemed as pro-Russian nor any my posts for that matter, I'm not sure why you continue with the comrade slur. In fact, I have pointed out on multiple occasions that there may be a time and a place when we may need to conflict them even if much of the current conflagration is unnecessary and even counterproductive. I try to approach things with what I truly believe to be an honest analysis that tries to propose solutions that are in America's best interest.

Now how exactly did I rain on a parade? Perhaps you need to read the post in its entirety. 1.) Americans are interested in things like how we get our economy back and specifically how do we get the knee of the government off of the neck of whole segments of the economy. 2.) Coronavirus is still a problem and people are busy figuring out to balance the twin necessities of economic growth and keeping people healthy. While the media continues trying to fan the hysteria aided by certain vultures in the medical field, most, at least where I live in the Houston area of southeast TX have have moved on from that. 3.) This agreement only formalizes what had been informally understood for quite some time. By doing this right now Sudan and Israel present certain optics that may undermine their positions as it may alienate certain interests who are likely to perceive they are doing this to help Trump. As such, there would be no downside risk and plenty of upside potential to keeping the informal understanding for as long as needed or if a formal understanding is needed wait until after the election. 4.) Team Trump's focus on this as well as the focus on this by the other parties strongly suggests they fully anticipate a Trump victory.

As someone who voted for Trump, I would consider this positive. Perhaps if someone is a Biden supporter this analysis, if correct, could indeed "rain on their parade."

Andrew Jackson said...

B Poster : The ultimate ultimate blowhard,lol! Stalin shot his wife in the face!

Mike Feldhake said...

You guys are funny

B.Poster said...

AJ: Stalin and his wife have nothing to do with this. My contention is that if team Trump, Israeli, and Sudanese leaders believe now is a good time to spend resources on this they must truly believe that Trump is going to win and I'd say that's a good thing!!

You call me a "blowhard." Very respectfully such childish insults aren't helpful. If you would like to discuss my analysis perhaps even point out where you believe it may be flawed I would be all eyes.


I didn't see anything funny here. Time permitting I will reread the comments.