Wednesday, October 7, 2020

President Trump Continues To Show No Covid-19 Symptoms


WASHINGTON (AP) — President Donald Trump, said to be making progress in his recovery from COVID-19, tweeted his eagerness to return to the campaign trail Tuesday even as the outbreak that has killed more than 210,000 Americans reached ever more widely into the upper echelons of the U.S. government. 

As Trump convalesced out of sight in the White House, the administration defended the protections it has put in place to protect the staff working there to treat and support him. Trump again publicly played down the virus on Twitter after his return from a three-day hospitalization, though even more aides tested positive, including one of his closest advisers, Stephen Miller. 


Anonymous said...

Steroids were the same thing use to treat SARS.

Steroids are used to treat auto-immune diseases, so these are well known by doctors.

Much of the damage form COVID-19 to arteries and the lungs is due to immune overreaction. When a virus like corona #19 causes an immune overreaction, does it tell you more about corona or the state of disrepair of the person's immune system. I think the latter.

Treating an overactive immune system should be done early and it is cheap unless we have to go begging to Xi for prednisone. Or maybe a pharmaceutical has a "ME Too" version of prednisone that is patented and costs $3,0000 a dose.

Reasons for the too high death toll is putting infectious COVID patients into nursing homes at the orders of governors and telling people to delay treatment if they had mild symptoms, because we did not want to overwhelm the hospitals. Instead we laid of hospital workers. GENIUS!

fred said...

right: thousands of deaths all taking place in nursing homes!!!
everywhere else, all is ok
as of this morning: 215,651 deaths in the U.S...lots of room in those nursing homes

Anonymous said...

Calling a motorcycle accident a COVID death is not okay.

Florida COVID-19 fatalities data included man who died in motorcycle accident

Is it moral for the coroner to record the traffic accident as COVID?
Is it moral for you ignore the underhanded statistics?

People dying with COVID are determined to die from COVID due to federal funding.

If you want you nation shut down every flu season then keep thinking like you are thinking and keep voting like you are voting.

Funny my mother works in them public schools. I hear of no deaths of school age children. I hear of no deaths except people over 65 with the exception of 3.

It has been noted that COVID deaths look the opposite of influenza deaths when you look at deaths by age cohort. But this is something that readers of WNU blog know. They know that Fred will never be convinced by graphs or numbers unless they come from a wingnut news source like the Washington Post or New York Times. Far be it for Fred to crunch numbers himself by hand, using a calculator or using a Excel spreadsheet. These things are not something Fred does.

Homework assignment for Fred

This is a word problem. It tests your comprehension of English as well as your math skills.

Worldwide, the WHO estimates 1,040,000 (rounded) have died from COVID.
WHO estimates there are 750,000,000 infections.

1) What is the overall fatality rate? Show your work.
2) Is the COVID death rate more or less than the influenza fatality rate for this last flu season? Show your work.

3) If you lockdown because of the COVID fatality rate, should you shut down due to the influenza fatality rate? Show your work.

Next week's word problem is how many months can the US shut down in a 10 year period and remain solvent and retain reserve currency status?

Anonymous said...

Thats the thing about Corona virus, you only hear the horror stories of the terrible cases, when in fact most people are down for about a week with some having symptoms for only a day or two. We are 7 months into this pandemic and even the MSM still doesn't seem to understand the variables of this virus, or just fails to acknowledge them. Fear over facts seems to be the course of action, with no change in sight.

Anonymous said...

Fred tore up his homework assignment. He is a problem pupil.

All kidding aside the joking the HW problem thing is in line with Fred's "You're on KP duty" routine.

WHO estimates ~ 1,040,000 COVID deaths

WHO estimates 750 million infections

1.04 million deaths / 750 million infections = 0.1386 percent infection fatality rate.

"According to the CDC, in the 2017-2018 flu season, the seasonal flu had a mortality rate ranging from 0.129 percent to 0.1355 percent."

.1386 > (0.128, 0.1355)

But not by much. It is ballpark.

WE did not shutdown the economy for the flu this year, 2009, since WW2 or ever.

So why shutdown the economy for COVID, which has a near identical infection fatality rate to flu?

Two things were done above. Division of 2 numbers and comparison of 2 numbers. You would expect every voting member of the public to be able to do those math operation. But some people cannot or will not for whatever reason.

The "I have a CPA" schtick is not funny anymore Fred. It is worn out and always was a lame excuse.

All computers come with an electronic calculator as part of Microsoft Windows. You can find it under Window Accessories. One does not have to be computation fast or accurate, but they must understand the concept of division (fractions).

White collar working from home do not fear any Democrat imposed lockdown to ruin the economy with their excuse of COVID. But Ble Collar folk do. If you support the Democrat Party's Lockdown gambit, you are royally fucking over blue collar workers.

Some people need to look at themselves in the mirror and do a self assessment.

Anonymous said...

Yo misfit--why would I do taxes on my computer because it has a calçulator? Your man Trump uses clever tax lawyers...why is that?
Because they know more about the ins and outs of the tax code. Not that I am in the same bankrupt state as your idol

Anonymous said...

Trump fails to block tax return subpoena, will appeal to Supreme Court

Anonymous said...

Stalkers stalk. why? 1.low very low self-esteem 2. nothing worthwhile to add or to say about any topic 3. nasty dispositions going back to poor upbringing

Anonymous said...

"nothing worthwhile to add or to say about any topic"

You're gaslighting again, Fred.

On Trump's taxes:

You read about Trump's tax breaks in a Newspaper(NYT) owned by people (Sulzberger), who used the very same tax breaks. Some people would consider it irony.

You ought to know better, I think you do know better. So that makes you a dishonest, mean low life commenter of no rhetorically or logical ability

Anonymous said...

We we not talking about doing taxes on your calculator. We were talking about using you calculator that you own to crunch numbers mentioned in news articles to put them in proper context.

Be honest Fred. Try it.

Anonymous said...

I used an ancient hand calculator from last century. Solar powered. In need of a bright light source compared to the new ones whose solar cell is worlds apart but functioning nonetheless.
The media is the culprit for the hysteria behind the virus. As I've posted before, history will not treat our response well.

Anonymous said...

White House Quietly Told Vets Group It Might Have Exposed Them to COVID
mommy's boy: go forth and get some balls

Anonymous said...


You skim many headlines. It don't think that it leaves much of a trace on your neurons. Not so much as a faint deer track.

Maybe when you skimmed a few science articles, you saw concepts like biome or viriome?

It is impossible to avoid viruses. All we can do is try to avoid LD50 of select viruses.

The country is not going to isolate itself with everyone drawing a 6 foot radius circle around them,selves and stay put for 3 weeks. It can't. People have energy needs. Some people need meds through the mail or at the pharmacy. Energy distribution takes workers maintaining pipelines and transmission lines. You don't get the picture, but we'll move on.

If people were going not oneself isolate, it would not stop the virus. It can live on surfaces for quite some time. Different studies from Japan says it can 'live' on skin for 2 days or 9 days depending on the study.

You have lived 3 centuries and act like if you did not wake up tomorrow, you would like a newborn that never had a chance to draw breath. Who needs balls? It appears to me you are a terrible coward.