Monday, October 5, 2020

President Trump Tweets That He Will Be Leaving Walter Reed Hospital 6:30 PM EST Today (Updated)

WNU Editor: This is good news. This is a developing story. It will be updated later today.

Update: I have been thinking about this. Maybe it is not a good idea to leave early. I would stay a few more days at Walter Reed. I also disagree with President Trump saying to not be afraid of Covid. This is a very dangerous disease for people with pre-existing conditions. 

Update #2:
Here is an easy prediction. He is not going to isolate himself in his bedroom in the White House.


 * Trump tweeted on Monday afternoon that he would be leaving Walter Reed at 6.30pm 
 * Doctors said that he was 'not out of the woods' yet but they were happy for him to go back to the White House 
 * He has received three doses of Remdesivir and will receive his fourth tonight before leaving the WH   * Tomorrow, he will be given a fifth and final dose of the drug 
 * Trump told fans: 'Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.' 
 * The virus has claimed more than 200,000 American lives and more than 1million worldwide 
 * On Monday, WH press secretary, Kayleigh McEnany, became the 14th person in his circle to test positive 
 * Anonymous aides said on Monday Trump had grown tired of watching news coverage of his health 
 * He wants desperately to leave Walter Reed and resume a full working schedule from the White House 
 * There are fears among staff that if he leaves the hospital too soon, it could be detrimental to his health 
 * Officially, his staff say that he is responding well to COVID-19 treatment and will make a full recovery 
 * Trump has been criticized for leaving his hospital room on Sunday to drive past fans and wave at them 
 * Melania Trump is still in the White House and has no plans to leave because she does not want to expose anyone 

President Trump will leave hospital at 6.30pm on Monday night despite his doctors saying he is 'not out of the woods' after being given a cocktail of drugs to treat COVID-19. 

Trump, 74, was admitted to Walter Reed on Friday amid reports he had trouble breathing and had a fever. He has since received care from the best doctors in the country and driven around in an SUV to wave at fans who lined up outside to greet him, a move that outraged critics who said he put Secret Service agents' lives at risk for a political stunt. 

On Monday, just four days after he tested positive with the deadly virus, he tweeted: 'I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. 'Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!' 

Shortly after his message, doctors appeared outside the hospital to say that while Trump was not 'out of the woods', they were satisfied for him to go home. 

Read more .... 

 More News On President Trump Leaving Walter Reed Hospital Later Today 

Update #3: Today's Walter Reed Medical news conference on President Trump is below:



Anonymous said...

in some toilet here some loony is commenting right here. see above 2:55

Anonymous said...

The toilet is where the DNC held their convention.

Is 2:55 PM off base?

Considering that PhD is virology or other sciences from China have alleged that China created the virus, then gallows humor posted by 2:55 PM is not off base.

3:00 PM do you have a PhD in virology? Do you have a PhD in anything?

Anonymous said...

Reports Say Contagious President Is Trying to Escape His Captors Like a Zoo Animal

Unknown said...

The Donald is so amazing if he was in a band it would be called Super Trump!!! I'm waiting for the Trump haters heads to explode on the Communist News Network heh heh heh 🖖😂

B.Poster said...

We respect the virus. We should not live in abject terror of it. Excellent advice by POTUS!! Any pathogen poses an extra risk to someone with pre-existing conditions. Prior to COVID-19 we didn't know we were supposed to panic!!

Anonymous said...

Poster: you go to walmart and do not wear a mask
go to Appleby's etc and sit close to others and do not wear a mask
go to movie theater and sit next to maskless people
put your body where your typing is

Anonymous said...

WNU, I agree with you. Don't push it for appearance' sake. Take your time. If he suffers a relapse that will be hard to overcome at the voting booth come November, methinks.

Anonymous said...

"you go to walmart and do not wear a mask"

I go by Walmart rules. They own the store.

"go to Appleby's etc and sit close to others and do not wear a mask"


"go to movie theater and sit next to maskless people"

I never sat by people before the COVID. With big flat screen TV's, streaming, blue ray etc, I'll pass on most movies. Forget about the air. The chairs are grody, the floors filthy and snacks very expensive.

Plus liberals did their very best to ruin movie theater popcorn. One of the liberal jihads of the early 1990's was against coconut oil for popcorn. Remember that? Liberals are always getting into people's knickers.

"put your body where your typing is"

You know here immune system is like many other systems. It needs to be exercised, so that it is properly calibrated. There is a theory that if the immune system is not loaded to some extent periodically, you get auto-immune diseases. You cannot avoid all pathogens. Can we vaccinate against all pathogens or possible pathogens? All guess that you are not one able to answer that question or evaluate someone's answer because you are innumerate and scientifically illiterate.

Let's get metaphysical. If a mind is not properly exercised, you get self righteous idiots like liberal colleges get churn out by the hundreds of thousands. Know anything about that? Have a confession?

Anonymous said...

Center for Science in the Public Interest was a liberal group dedicated to telling Americans how to live and not giving people a choice.

The popcorn scare was in 1994.

Liberals have been bent on ruining entertainment at move theaters for a long long time. The last 2 years they have been Hell bent in ruining the award shows and the all of Hollywood.

COVID will not kill theaters. Liberals will. It is what they do. It is all they do.

Anonymous said...

you have your check the dead numbers

Anonymous said...

Anon 6:53

Why do you insist on lying? You are like a 5 year old boy with his ahnds in the cookie jar telling his mother that no his hands are not in the cookie jar and the no he is not stealing cookies.

I look at deaths by age group and/or deaths by comorbidity factors and I do not see much of a risk for people under 65, who are not diabetic, hypertense or obese.

Scarce resources are better spent protecting nursing homes and not shutting down the economy. You think the opposite. At some point that will get you charged with manslaughter or before the Hague.

I have had several course in statistics, data mining, etc and here you are trying to zoom me into believing your poppycock, because it will help your littler coterie get elected. I can see why a person like you does not like moral standards. You do not want to be judged as the monster that you are.