Tuesday, October 27, 2020

President Trump's Campaign Website Hacked

A message reading, 'this site was seized' appeared briefly on the homepage of DonaldJTrump.com, before the website was taken offline completely just after 7:20pm. 

 * A message reading, 'this site was seized' appeared briefly on DonaldJTrump.com, before the website was taken offline completely at 7:20pm 
 * The hackers behind the stunt claimed to have compromised multiple of the president's devices, that gave them 'full access' to Trump and his relatives 
 * 'We have evidence that completely discredits mr trump as a president, proving his criminal involvement...with foreign actors manipulating the 2020 elections' 
 * The hackers then included a link to two cryptocurrency addresses, one for 'yes, release the data' and a second for 'no, don't release it' 
 * Trump 2020 Communications Director Tim Murtaugh later released a statement on the system breach, assuring that no sensitive data has been compromised 

Donald Trump’s campaign website was briefly ‘seized’ by hackers Tuesday who claimed to have evidence that ‘completely discredits’ him as a president and proves his ‘criminal involvement’ in the manipulation of the 2020 election. 

A message reading, 'this site was seized' appeared briefly on the 'About' and 'Events' pages of DonaldJTrump.com, before the website was taken offline completely just after 7:20pm. 

The message continued that the world 'has had enough of fake news spreaded [sic] daily by the president ... it is time to allow the world to know the truth.' 

 More News On President Trump's Campaign Website Hacked 


B.Poster said...

I'm surprised it took them this long and I'm surprised it was "brief." Why do this? The "polls" indicate a huge Biden win. Tentative answer: they don't believe their own propaganda or if they do they think such actions will cost them nothing. In this case, they're probably right. For 80+ years Democrats have only had to play offense never needing to actually defend. Even if a position is well defended without an offensive component the defense is eventually worn down and the position lost.

For all his flaws, Trump actually hits back and every once in awhile goes on offense. Some reports indicated that enough Republicans to impeach Trump would've happened if they could've done so anonymously. My "gut" suggests this is accurate. So much for the "law and order" party who would've allowed a POTUS acting in American interests to be impeached. Lessons learned: don't vote Democrat and keep the pressure on Republicans to act properly!!

Anonymous said...

DOJ and FBI to Hold News Conference on a China-Related National Security Matter at 11 AM EDT Tomorrow

Speculation is that the FBI wants to

Discredit Bobulinski


in some other way try to hurt Trump.

People hate the FBI 50% or more.

Also how is it the DOJ is suppose to follow the informal Eric Holder rule (when did that become law?), but the FBI is fancy free to make announcement affecting campaigns starting in 2016.

Wray is a snake.

Anonymous said...

Intelligence agencies would wide are filled with lefties, entire five eyes is gone because of discrimination based on gender, on race on sexual orientation has opened their doors too leftist extremists operating inside the worlds most secure and sensitive agencies.

Worked in the NZ election, censorship and take downs of political parties platforms.