Sunday, October 4, 2020

Reuters Poll Says Biden Is Ahead Of Trump By 10%. Another Poll Shows President Trump Ahead Nationally, In Swing States And In The Electoral College. Who Is Right?

Reuters: Biden leads by 10 points as majority of Americans say Trump could have avoided coronavirus: Reuters/Ipsos poll 

NEW YORK (Reuters) - Democrat Joe Biden opened his widest lead in a month in the U.S. presidential race after President Donald Trump tested positive for the coronavirus, and a majority of Americans think Trump could have avoided infection if he had taken the virus more seriously, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released on Sunday. 

The Oct. 2-3 national opinion poll gave little indication of an outpouring of support for the president beyond Trump’s core group of followers, some of whom have gathered outside Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, where the president has been hospitalized. 

Trump has repeatedly dismissed the severity of the pandemic as something that would disappear on its own, chiding Biden as recently as last week for wearing a protective mask, even as the coronavirus infected millions of people and forced businesses and schools to close. 

WNU Editor: The Reuters poll uses only 596 likely voters out of a sample of 1,005?!?!? That is a ridiculously low sample size. Reuters also does not provide the methodology that was used in making this poll. For all I know they could have used a sample size that was 60% Democrat. Reuters also admits that the poll’s precision is plus or minus 5 percentage points!!!! The PollWatch poll is a different story .... US election poll: Trump BEATING Biden despite being hospitalised with Covid – EXCLUSIVE (Express). They used a huge sample size .... 1500 likely voters. The PollWatch poll also makes public the methodology that they used in making this poll. They admit they used a sample size that was tilted Democrat (37% vs. 35%), which I think is no longer valid. Republicans have registered a huge number of new voters in the past year, and these numbers are not reflected in how polling is done today. Most of today's polls use the election results of 2016 and 2018 to determine the methodology to use in this election cycle. 

Update: Republican supporters should not get cocky. Rasmussen is saying that Biden is leading Trump by a comfortable margin .... Biden leading President Trump 51% to 43% among Likely U.S. Voters. (Rasmussen). This poll was done before President Trump's Covid-19 diagnosis.


AZuLike said...

How do polls work and where do they get the samples from. Asking for a friend haha. Just curious for myself tbh.

Anonymous said...

Of course the walking corpse is in the lead.

Everything is rigged.

Things now are just as rigged as when Obama was handed the Nobel Peace Prize for getting elected.

The Nobel Chairman met with Epstein? Really?

The NYT will tell us all the details after it no longer matters.

(The above picture from the New York Times shows James E. Staley, at the time a senior JPMorgan executive; former Treasury Secretary Lawrence Summers; Mr. Epstein; Bill Gates, Microsoft’s co-founder; and Boris Nikolic, who was the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation’s science adviser at Epstein’s New York mansion)

Thorbjørn Jagland meets with Epstein in 2013, post conviction. Thorbjørn Jagland certainly has good judgment. The same judgment he used to award Obama the Peace Prize. Rigged.

Rigged just like the debate was rigged last week. Chris Walla gave the Biden Camp the debate questions, Biden wore a wire and Chis acted as a attack dog for the Democrats.


Anonymous said...



they are all against me!

Deep State!!

epstein gates, cnn, ny times!!!

Anonymous said...

The facts are there.

The facts include pictures.

Not one Democrat has been perp walked.

Why? Because it would hurt the brand.


Anonymous said...

Remember girls and boys: Polls do not count. They count when they make our side look good.

Anonymous said...

Polls are like any other statistical endeavor. They are only as good as their random sampling. Too often polling companies have slated the lot and been caught at it. But they keep doing it, because they pay no penalty for lying.

Anonymous said...

salted the lot+