Monday, October 26, 2020

Russia Knocking Out Turkish Drones In The Armenia - Azerbaijan War

A Krasukha electronic warfare system at Nikolo-Aleksandrovsky training range in Stavropol Territory. Photo: AFP/Denis Abramov/Sputnik 

Moscow has unleashed its 'Belladonna' drone killer system in Armenia to counter Azerbaijan's use of Turkish-made Bayraktar armed drones 

The electronic warfare system is known as “Belladonna”, a poisonous plant that gets its name from Renaissance women who used its extract for tinctures to dilate the pupils of their eyes, ostensibly to make them more attractive. 

While Belladonna translates to “beautiful woman” in English, in Russian it has a second meaning: it is the name of a Russian electronic jamming system now credited with knocking out at least nine Turkish Bayraktar armed drones used by Azerbaijan to target Armenia. 

If true – and no one has denied it – the system is now operating around the sensitive Russian military base at Gyumri in Armenia, far from the Nagorno-Karabakh conflict area. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: It did not take long for this advantage to disappear .... Turkish Drone Power Displayed in Nagorno-Karabakh Conflict (VOA).


Andrew Jackson said...

How passive aggressive of the cowardly Putin!

Tasman Gleeson said...

Just like little green men walking into Crimea the drones disappear.

Anonymous said...

Putin's ploy makes sense. The politicians and news men in Azerbaijan will lie to the people. They are not going to play up the Russian effort. So there will be know excuse that "We lost because of Russia." There will be a sort of "We lost because of something." The war will grind to a halt due to exhaustion and public disillusionment. Russia will be able to be a 3rd party negotiator not only because it is the strongest "near" power (Iran is near and relatively powerful), but because it is seen as neutral and not as an antagonist. Newsmen and politicians may wish they had not been silent about Russian involvement, but if they speak out at the time the Azeris are earnestly negotiating, other Azeris will turn against them and ask "Why did you not speak out then? This is your fault!"

Some Azeri politician may speak out against Russian after negotiations start in earnest. The political establishment will turn on them.

It is an open fiction.

Anonymous said...

Radio waves. The weak link in modern armies.