Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Russian President Putin Says He Has Noted Joe Biden's Harsh Anti-Russian Rhetoric

Russian President Vladimir Putin attends a meeting via a video conference on Wednesday. Alexei Druzhinin/Sputnik / Reuters 

MOSCOW (Reuters) - Russian President Vladimir Putin said on Wednesday he had noted what he called harsh anti-Russian rhetoric from U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, but that he had been encouraged by Biden’s comments on arms control. 

Putin, who said Russia would work with any U.S. president, made the comments during an appearance on state television.

Biden is campaigning against Republican incumbent Donald Trump for the presidential election on Nov. 3.  

“As far as the candidate from the Democratic Party is concerned ... we also see quite sharp anti-Russian rhetoric. Unfortunately, we are used to to this,” Putin said. 

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WNU Editor: The sentiment that I am getting from my contacts in Russia and from what I am reading and watching in the Russian news media is that the Kremlin is getting ready for a Biden Presidency. They see this development as both a plus and a minus. On the one hand a Biden Presidency is committed to imposing restrictions on US fracking and oil/gas production that will result in higher energy prices and a boost in revenues for the Russian government. A Democrat administration may also limit the defense budget. On the other-hand there will be an increase in tensions between the US and Russia over disputes like Ukraine, Libya, and Syria. I also do not believe there will be any breakthroughs on arms control with a Biden administration, contrary to the above Reuters reporting.


Anonymous said...

What trip do you Ivans have to say today? Or are busy eating dinner right now?

Anonymous said...

The Russians are making the same mistake as the Democrats. They are not dynamically scoring. Any shutdown on fracking may be resisted slowing its effects. Any successful shutdwon will start tanking the economy ahead of 2024.

Personally, I think we should adhere to the Paris Accord Targets. A Dutch court ruled that to meet the targets the Dutch government could violate human riots. The target is 25% less CO2 than emitted in 1990.

Most CO2 is emitted in the Northeastern seaboard. I think it is go time people. Shutdown the gas and oil pipelines to the north east after November 3rd. It will be a Biden Christmas gift.

We will not have to worry about COVID. People will freeze to death or be so worn down the common cold will kill them. Next year housing prices will be cheap.

This is not a great leap in logic. It is the next logical step. Activists have been fighting new gas pipelines into the North East for decades. So go the next step. Turn the valves shut on the ones already in existence.

Anonymous said...

Lancaster Patriot, a partisan, reactionary Pennsylvania politics blog that first surfaced in April, is mirrored online by a Russian website with the domain, which is affiliated with creators of the pro-Kremlin propaganda website Russia Insider.

Three days after Hatewatch reached out to Russia Insider editor Charles Bausman for a comment on this story, someone took both Lancaster Patriot and offline. Local news outlet Lancaster Online reported on Sept. 26 that Lancaster Patriot was edited by Trey Garrison, a 51-year-old Holocaust-mocking Twitter troll who for years embodied the online persona “Spectre,” while podcasting for the white nationalist organization The Right Stuff.

Anonymous said...


WTF are you babbling about.

Are you one of those people one of those excruciating fucks that told us the last 4 months that Proud Boys are white racist, when we know the membership is 10+% black and has some Latino leaders.

Do us a favor and list the 300,000 site that get more traffic than whatever you are bleating about today.

Anonymous said...

Can't hide from the internet.

Andrew Jackson said...

When is big bad Puttyput gonna help Armenia! A bit military extended methinks!