Friday, October 23, 2020

Russian Warships Are Escorting Iranian Tankers To Syria

HI Sutton Image used with permission 

Last week, the Iranian-flagged oil tanker Samah entered the Mediterranean Sea via the Suez Canal. After a few miles, the 900-foot-long ship stopped reporting its position and destination. 

Evidence suggests the ship sailed to Syria, escorted by two Russian Navy ships, including a destroyer. 

Russia’s role in protecting the shipment may change the dynamics in the Eastern Mediterranean. 

In the past, Iranian tankers sailing to Syria have been intercepted by the U.K. Royal Navy. The Russian Navy escort could be viewed as a precautionary step, raising the political and military risks of any intervention by the Royal Navy or others. 

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WNU Editor: This is all for show. These Iranian tankers can be seized in the Red Sea before they enter the Suez canal.


B.Poster said...

While the tankers could be seized, this is unlikely to happen. The Russian support sends a very loud message that Russia is backing Iran and if these tankers are seized very severe consequences for those who would do this should be expected. I'm not saying don't seize the tankers if the situation warrants it but expect reprisals. This is not for show. Unfortunately their seems to be very little of the type of international support that we would need to effectively confront Iran militarily or through sanctions. Perhaps differences can be made at the margins.

Anonymous said...

Да товарищ!

Da Comrade!

B.Poster said...

Anon (12:43)

I'm assuming this trolling comment was directed at me. Very respectfully, please read the post. In it I indicate that it could be necessary to try and seize one or more of these tankers. If this is done, to be very blunt, expect reprisals from Russia or other Iranian allies. This doesn't mean don't do it if needed but be sure to understand the costs and the risks.

Iran has Russia and China actively backing them and my "gut" suggests a great deal more private backing. Who do we have? The UK, France, Australia, Germany, India? Not only does this not match up with what Iran has my "gut" suggests it will likely evaporate very quickly once the going gets a little tough. I respectfully disagree with the editor. This is not for show. Take it seriously.

I hope my "gut" is wrong here as some on the Iranian side seem determined to push this conflict. The thinking probably is that if America can be drawn into a military conflict very close to election time the voters will punish the people who were leading at the time the shooting war started and I think they are right. Essentially if a foreign power opposes a president around election time a sure fire way to get him voted out is to draw the US into a shooting war.

Anonymous said...
