Monday, October 12, 2020

Senior Adviser Says Biden Will Meet Kim Jong-un If Necessary To Denuclearize N. Korea

U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden waves as he boards his plane to depart Wilmington, Delaware, U.S., October 10, 2020. © REUTERS/KEVIN LAMARQUE 

WASHINGTON, Oct. 10 (Yonhap) -- U.S. Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden, if elected, would be willing to meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong-un if the meeting is preceded by necessary groundwork and helps denuclearize the communist nation, a key foreign policy adviser said. 

Brian McKeon, a longtime Biden aide who also served as principal deputy under secretary of defense for policy, also said that Biden's approach toward the communist state will be different from that of President Donald Trump.  

"I certainly think it would be different than the Trump administration's. Joe Biden understands that the North Korea issue is pretty complicated, and you can't just solve it with a couple of leader-to-leader summits," McKeon said in an exclusive interview with Yonhap News Agency. 

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WNU Editor: Joe Biden was Vice-President for 8 years under the Obama administration and they went no where with North Korea. Under a Biden Presidency, I expect the same thing.


Anonymous said...

As's cheap, joe b.

Let us have this in writing. No. Not your son's...yours.

Amp1776 said...

Cheap Chinese Trump® knockoff...

Anonymous said...

Trump legitimately tries and has a shot.

Biden really won't try and really is not interested. I mean what are they going to do for his son or for his brother?

Anonymous said...

are we winning yet? nope. trump met the guy and....??the dealmaker

Anonymous said...

Yeah we are winning. Kim Jong Un like Trump. That is a solid win.

Dennis Rodman met Kim Jong Un and I though that was wrong. But a few years back I reconsidered and put that in the win column.

It is no different than the British giving their cousin Kaiser Whilhelm a British uniform. It was going in the right direction, but not enough follow through.

I knew you would be here. One of you holy of holies was being attacked. You had to come.

Anonymous said...

ah, stalker, mommies little pants wetter, is back.
Ok Put down Biden who has not been elected and has not met Kim, while Trump, the Deal Maker, a total failure with N. Korea...a bit assholish, to say the least. Now piss off, stalker

Anonymous said...

Trumps whole foreign policy has been a failure. N. Korea, China,Turkey, Europe. You name it. Worst president ever.

Anonymous said...


You engage in so much name calling. I guess it is time them for you to flip and call for no name calling and then rinse and repeat.

Fact #1: You never comments on a military article. *Can anyone remember otherwise?)

Fact #2: You invariably comment on articles discussing political leaders especially if a national level, hazard class Democrat politician is being criticized. You consider such criticism of Democrats holding federal office as blasphemy and an attack on the high priests of your religion

In my opinion you are illiterate in so many fields and innumerate to boot that you are functionally illiterate in English. This makes you so fun to debate. Logic, facts and numerical analysis have no meaning for you. Again IMO your degree of English proficiency is conversational only.

I saw Kim Jong Un missiles and then realized there has been very little activity.

Anonymous said...

And what would you have differently, if anything, 3:16?

Anonymous said...

3:16 did not say what specifically was done wrong.

Merkel might have accepted a Romney presidency so long as he did not call her out for shirking her NATO responsibilities and he allowed he to dump on America from time to time without a riposte.

So it was possible to get positive marks from a Western European leader.

Merke is the pupper with

* Shit Defense establishment. Soldiers train with broomsticks.

* Shit Energy policy. Close the coal and nuclear plants and become reliant on NATO's probably opponent.

* Shit immigration policy. How your liberated sisters lived form the 1960's on is over thanks to Merkel. If you are Jew that Hitler missed, Mutti will make sure that Muslim force you to leave Germany for good. Funny, but I never hear F.R.L. complain about it. Maybe he secretly supports it?

What is good about Europe is to be found in the old communist bloc. They know what is real and what is BS. The Western leaders in Europe practise bollocks.

Anonymous said...

"North Korea just stated that it is in the final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable of reaching parts of the U.S. It won't happen!"
6:05 PM · Jan 2, 2017

That aged well. Such a deal.

Anonymous said...

"final stages of developing a nuclear weapon capable"

Trump was sworn in 18 days later. The bulk of this 95 to 899% happened under the boy king's reign.

Trump had no one behind him. Many Republicans were on the sidelines because of the Russian Hoax. Brennan who once voted for Communist Party Leader Gus Hall had Trump's back. He wanted to be on his six so he could plant an assassin's dagger. Ditto Comey.

Obama and Hillary, who set it up, got away scot free. Obama bough beach front property for 13 million, because he believes in global warming and that his house would be submerged. Obama is either real dumb or a huge liar.

Trump had the entire Democrat Party establishment including those in the civil service against him and you say he didn't get anything done. Go borrow Hunter Biden's sex toy and
jam it up you ass.

Anonymous said...

What did he get done? NK got a working ICBM. What did Trump do? What does Hunter Biden have to do with a NK ICBM?

The comments are becoming increasingly desperate as we get closer to the election.

Anonymous said...

sorry: Trump fired and/or could have fired any and all he felt were not what he had wanted. He is the boss, the leader, the show is his: do not say he got waylaid by Biden people. THE BUCK STOPS WITH THE PRESIDENT

Anonymous said...

First, NK already had the bomb before Trump was elected.

Second, NK already had ICBM's before Trump was elected. What they did not have was credible system due to system reliability issues and manufacturing quality control.

Obama could not do much. He was busy letting US agents and spies get picked off abroad and spying on Americans. So he did not know what was going on. Good at reading a teleprompter unlike Joe or Kamala.

The toy? You seemed repressed and needing a little something. Since you and Hunter belong to the same flock, it seems logical that if it works for him, it would work for you.

Anonymous said...

"Second, NK already had ICBM's before Trump was elected..."

Really dude? 2017 wasn't that long ago and everyone knows what happened. Hwasong 14 wasn't tested until July 2017. Not only did it happen on Trump's watch, but they've also continued to build up a robust deterrent. And all Trump has done since is rage tweet and soil his depends.

You're the type of guy who gives W a pass for 9/11. Sure it happened under his watch but at least he kept us safe after and bolted the barn door shut after all the horses left.

You have three more weeks, enjoy them. GOP is gonna get curb stomped on Nov. 3. I'll be here to lick your tears.

Anonymous said...

3:16 here. You may want to blame the past administrations if you want too. But that is weak. The past administrations kept the pressure and the spot light on N. Korea. And if you read anything you know to the point of preparing for war. This president made his promises and brags. The deal master. What he did was staged a bunch of photo-ops. Told the world that they where in love in his elegant style. And then nothing. Doesn’t talk about N. Korea, doesn’t say a thing. Because he can do nothing. Has done nothing. All the while N. Korea is doing what it has already been doing. When the going gets tough President Trump quits. Or blames everyone else.

Anonymous said...

This is in part to answer 4:27. And Merkel is not Europe. Weak.

Anonymous said...

To answer 4:16. Keep the pressure and the spotlight on. And go covert. A lot like what we’re doing with the Israelis against the Iranians. accidents and more accidents. The way they work over there, I wonder what would happen to the scientist, generals in charge, if things keep on blowing up prematurely.

Anonymous said...

3:16 here. Do you want to talk China? Trumps failure there? He gets credit for getting the ball started but that’s it. Totally caved after that. His big trade deal with China was the Easy low hanging fruit. Just another photo op .Absolutely nothing about stealing intellectual property, subsidies to their government companies,or forcing companies to open factories there.

Anonymous said...

Oh yeah I forgot to mention that they’re not even keeping that deal. But you’re not really hearing that either are you .

Anonymous said...

How is China different the Brasil or Japan in that regard? If you want to sell in the market you got to make it in the market. America should adopt those rules. We have to a small or medium extent. Japanese companies play accounting tricks with American content.

3:16, you have accused Trump of going the extra mile. If it was low hanging fruit and it was still there it begs the question. Why did not Obasma or GWB pick it?

Property theft is another matter. Trump announced his deal in December/January. Meanwhile Nancy Pelosi was impeaching him based on the Russian Collusion Lie and then came the Democrats mandate of lockdown. WHO, today, came out against lockdowns. All those headwinds and you disingenuously lie with a syruppy smile and ask "Why hasn't Trump got it done yet?"

If I were to be across the negotiating table from you I would bring Mafiosa with me. You are serious liar, backstabber and retard. There is no other way of dealing with a person like you.

Anonymous said...

To supporters of the left who assumed well, embraced and practice acceptance of defeat after nov