Saturday, October 3, 2020

Since The Start Of The Pandemic Russian President Putin Has Been Governing In A Bubble


Over months of the coronavirus pandemic, US President Donald Trump has kept to a busy schedule, packed with campaign rallies and public events. The contrast with Russian President Vladimir Putin could not be more stark: The authoritarian leader Trump admires so much is living in a bubble. 

For most of the pandemic, Putin has been following a strict work-from-home regimen, running the affairs of state largely by videoconference. And the Kremlin has taken extreme measures to guard the health of the man who has run Russia for two decades. 

Putin's primary base during the pandemic, according to his press office and extensive state television coverage, has been Novo-Ogaryovo, his residence outside Moscow. As early as April, Kremlin spokesperson Dmitry Peskov made it clear that new measures had been put in place to protect the president: Everyone meeting with Putin, he said, would be tested for Covid-19, and all appointments with the leader would be held with social distancing in place. 

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WNU Editor: To be fair. Most Russian leaders have governed behind high walls and insulated from everyone. Putin is just carrying on the tradition in the age of Covid.


RussInSoCal said...

That looks like a prison cell.



Anonymous said...

CNN here refers to Trump and his admiration for Putin, expressed a number of times. Stay in 2020...if history is your interest, the McCarthy and the '50s and GOP!

Anonymous said...

I thought you were off base 4:46, but in the 2nd sentence of the article CNN jumps the shark.
But you are not off base. Not one iota.

CNN just sucks as liberals do in general.

I am trying to think of where one world leader tells another world leader "they suck" and it works out well.

It didn't work out well when Angela sniffed and made her disdain known. Trump went after Rocket Man, but when it came to the meeting he buttered him up. There is the difference.

Democrats tried the reset with their reset button and face panted due to incompetence. But Russia was noit evil until Trump. Meanwhile Democrats for Gabbie Giffords and Mark Kelly have been sucking up top the Chinese tit since 2003 or before.

Inf fact some Democrats have been sucking Chinese tit since the mid-1970s. Don't call Diane Feinstein "Late for Dinner:. She will scold you; she'll tell you she was 1st in line.

Does anyone know if the names the destroyer after gabbie Giffords for her all expenses paid trip to China where she met her then married future husband?

Anonymous said...

I don't know. Historians might give a good view of Putin. Without Putin Kazan and parts east of there might have spun off leaving Russia as the rump state of Muscovy. So many historians from many countries from around the globe might judge Putin a great man and admire him.

If you think it was no biog deal, then consider what China would have done. The Far east would have declare statehood and divided into several polities. Chinese migrant workers would have flooded in more than they have now. There would be unrest and 'persecution' and China would have rolled in.

You think what is happening with the Uighurs, Tibetans, and South China Sea is bad? You ain't seen nothing.

"In accordance with the Constitution of Bashkortostan and Russian Federation Constitution, Bashkortostan is a state, but has no sovereignty.[23][24] On 11 October 1990 Bashkortostan adopted the Declaration of State Sovereignty, but subsequently abandoned it. 11 October is Republic Day in Bashkortostan."

Yup, China would roll in and take the oil fields.

Think of how skinny Democrats leaders would get wagging their fingers. All that exertion and calories spent. Why they would be able to file a workman's comp clain against the Federal government!

Take the blinders of 10 AM. It would not hurt for you to take about 30 history courses to come up to speed.

Anonymous said...

Where is the name calling?

It is pretty lame of you to be complaining. I brought facts.

Kelly attended the annual Young Leaders Forum, a five-day junket cohosted by the Chinese People's Institute of Foreign Affairs, which is "under the leadership of the Communist Party of China."

Either Mark Kelly attended the Young Leaders Forum or he did not.

My question is did he fill out a 1099 for the gift of the 5 day trip? If not, why not.

Maybe English teacher bro should wise up and grow a pair.