Monday, October 12, 2020

Turkey - Greece Tensions Escalate Over Turkish Vessel Return To Disputed Waters In Eastern Mediterranean

Euronews: Turkish research ship at centre of drilling row with Greece set to return to Mediterranean

Greece has accused neighbour Turkey of undermining efforts to ease a crisis over drilling rights in the eastern Mediterranean after the announcement that a Turkish survey vessel is being prepared to renew a research mission in disputed waters. 

The Turkish research ship Oruc Reis will operate "from 12 to 20 October" in the same region it was exploring in August and September, including the area south of the Greek island of Kastellorizo, according to the message sent by the maritime alert system NAVTEX. 

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 More News On Turkey - Greece Tensions Escalating Over Turkish Vessel Returning To Disputed Waters In Eastern Mediterranean 

1 comment:

Jac said...

With Erdogan everything is worrying. The only good side is: he has not the nuclear far.