Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Turkish President Erdogan Pushes For A Two-State Solution In Cyprus

Turkish President Erdogan and Turkish Cypriot leader Tatar attend a news conference in Ankara

Turkey's Erdogan says it's time for two-state solution in Cyprus 

ANKARA (Reuters) - Turkish President Tayyip Erdogan said on Monday it was time for a realistic proposal about a two-state solution on the divided island of Cyprus to be discussed, and added that the parameters of the current talks were not sustainable. 

Cyprus was split after a Turkish invasion in 1974 triggered by a brief Greek-inspired coup. The European Union admitted the island into the bloc in 2004, represented by the internationally recognised Greek Cypriot government in the south. 

Its north is a breakaway Turkish Cypriot state only recognized by Ankara. 

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WNU Editor:With the exception of Turkey. No one else is going to recognize this separate Cyprus state.


Anonymous said...

We've partitioned Germany, Korea ad Ukraine.

There is talk of the partition of the US (Panarin & others), China, etc.

Why not Cyprus?

Anonymous said...

29,000 people were prosecuted on charges of insulting Erdogan last year, according to the Birgun newspaper.

Sensitive much?!?

Anonymous said...

Nah, I hate Erdogan.

Just pointing out the obvious.

There is a plan to partition China into 7 parts.

I think Kazan being so ethnically different should secede form Russia.

Remember free Mordvinia!