Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Tweets For Today


Anonymous said...

"Should he win next week’s presidential election, Joe Biden is vowing to begin combating the
coronavirus before he even takes office."

He and Jimmy Carter are going to get together and spray paint circles around the country, so people will know where it will be lawful to stand.

Anonymous said...

“I know Joe decided not to run in 2016, but what if he ran in the future? Aren’t they taking political risk or headline risk? And I remember looking at Jim Biden and saying,

How are you guys getting away with this? Like, aren’t you concerned?'

“And he certainly looked at me and he laughed a little bit and said, ‘plausible deniability.'” Bobulinski said.

The plausible deniability covered Joe Biden, which means he was hanging his brother and son out to dry. The setup protected Joe's political career, because it brought in the money, while leaving Jim and Hunter with no protection.

It's strikingly cynical.

But that's the Biden crime family.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

"Go to Google, search "happy black woman," press Images, then scroll down several pages. Repeat with "happy Asian woman." Then try "happy white woman." Notice anything? The first two searches return images of a single, smiling woman. But white women are shown in relationships, and most of those are interracial. Haven't we been lectured for decades that women do not need a man to be complete?"

I googled and also web searched and it was true.

Google employees are now "fixing" their searches now so as to deny the story.

Google is an enemy of the people.

Stephen Davenport said...

What do any of these comments have to do with a baby seal?