Monday, October 19, 2020

UN Arms Embargo Ends Against Iran Despite US Objections


The United States has threatened to sanction any individual or entity selling conventional weapons to Iran, hours after Tehran claimed that a UN embargo on such sales had been lifted. 

According to a 2015 landmark nuclear deal, world powers had agreed to lift the UN embargo on Iran effective October 18, 2020, if Tehran abided by its terms. 

However, the United States, which withdrew from the deal in 2018, claimed last month that Iran had violated its terms, triggering a reimposition of the embargo. 

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 More News On The Ending Of The UN Arms Embargo Against Iran 

UN arms embargo ends against Iran -- Middle East Monitor 


Anonymous said...

Has anyone seen the Meathead? What about the snapback? Buy shares in Wendy's, he's gonna be doing some serious supersizing.

What I'm saying is he's a human garbage bag.

Anonymous said...

As usual 6:01 you speak with a familiarity that belies your logic, except when looking in the mirror which you do quite often and just recently.

Anonymous said...

Evict the UN from NYC. They can find a cozy home elsewhere, like China, Haiti, or Venezuala.