Tuesday, October 27, 2020

U.S. Army Arming Robots With Javelin Missiles

Titan with Protector Javelin - file photo. (QinetiQ) 

The fast-evolving concept is to optimize state-of-the-art networking 

The U.S. Army will soon operate robots able to destroy enemy armored vehicles with anti-tank missiles, surveil warzones under heavy enemy fire and beam back identified targeting details in seconds due to rapid progress with several new armed robot programs. 

Several of the new platforms now operate with a Kongsberg-built first-of-its-kind wireless fire control architecture for a robotic armored turret with machine guns, Javelin Anti-Tank Missiles and robot-mounted 30mm cannon selected by the Army to arm its fast-emerging Robotic Combat Vehicles. 

These now-in-development robotic systems are intended to network with manned vehicles in high-risk combat operations. 

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WNU Editor: Welcome to the future.


Andrew Jackson said...

Say hello to my little friend,lol!

RussInSoCal said...

"Little Friend" LOL

Looks like a remote control mini-trac vehicle with a Bushmaster 30mm and a standard, one-shot Javelin. Note the 30mm has a very large ammo can.



Jac said...

Well, that's telling something to some other countries.

Anonymous said...

Jac.. neither Russia nor China will be impressed. They're working on drone swarms for years and are far further, launching them already.

The US needs to seriously step up their game and fast, all these trillions that China stole are not only hurting America because the money is gone, but the Chinese put it to work beefing up their companies, hurting any legally competing companies by being able to outspend/outgrow them with the very money they took from the US, compounding the damage

Anonymous said...

They really don't get it do they.
Such a waste of fucken money, why are you investing in this trash and not just extending the range of the weaponry.

Even if it was PERFECT! it has fixed capabilities, which only reduce in combat operation. It doesn't learn, its doesn't evolve and worst still is once captured it gives up every single detail!

Let China, like Germany, invest in worthless vengeance weapons and when they start falling into your lap, well you just gained untold fortunes in technological research.