Tuesday, October 6, 2020

U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Warns Of Economic Tragedy If The Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic Continues


New York (CNN Business)America is on the long road to economic recovery from the pandemic recession, but dark clouds remain on the horizon. 

The recovery is far from complete, and the US economy remains of danger of shifting into reverse once again. One major risk factor: A rise in Covid-19 infections, Federal Reserve Chairman Jerome Powell said Tuesday at the National Association for Business Economics annual meeting. 

A second wave of coronavirus could "more significantly limit economic activity, not to mention the tragic effects on lives and well-being," Powell said. "Managing this risk as the expansion continues will require following medical experts' guidance, including using masks and social-distancing measures." 

In addition to gaining control of the pandemic, Powell reiterated his calls for more fiscal stimulus aimed at supporting America's most vulnerable. 

WNU Editor: This is what the FED Chairman wants. More spending/more printing money/and more debt .... Watch Fed Chair Powell Ask Congress For More Fiscal Stimulus (Zero Hedge).


Anonymous said...

"Facebook Removes Trump’s Post Where He Claims Covid-19 is Less Deadly Than Flu in Certain Populations After CNN Lobbies For Censorship of President"

The president is absolutely, 100% correct. If you are under 65 you should be more concerned about influenza and corona.

Influenza will kill 10 or 100 times more children than corona. anyone who says otherwise is a liar.

The economic news is bad because liberals and the Deep state have decided to use a corona scaredemic to kill the economy to get rid of Trump.

Anonymous said...

Fed Chairman Powell should just hang it up. Democrats are going to steal the election. Some Democrats will get caught, but it is like illegal immigration. for everyone you catch, two get away.

Charges Filed Against Trans Elections Judge ‘Erika’ Bickford in Allentown, Pennsylvania — Including Tampering with Ballots

This is what you look like after you get more than the LD50 of the Democrat t-cell virus

Anonymous said...

Public Enemy #1.

Go run a lemonade stand.

Anonymous said...

You're so funny. Selling fresh vegetables was and is much more lucrative. The side benefit is that you are a moving target and the liberals have harder time sending a goon squad after you.

Anonymous said...

I am a liberal. I want Corona to kill the edonomy for political reasons. What do I care if I lose my job, my retirement, my health coverage, my home, etc I give it all up just to get rid of Trump! good thinking anon

Anonymous said...


It is good thinking shit for brains (i.e. liberal). As a good devout liberal and suck up, you expect to be done on a national scale what was done at Delphi bankruptcy. The union workers get everything and the white collar management gets scraps.

The death toll was higher early on because Democrat govenors pulled this shit

No resident shall be denied re-admission or admission to the NH solely based on a confirmed or suspected diagnosis of COVID-19. NHs are prohibited from requiring a hospitalized resident who is determined medically stable to be tested for COVID-19 prior to admission or readmission.

Top International Epidemiologists Launch Petition for Focused Protections and an End to Lockdowns — Signed by Over 1,700 Medical Professionals

3:36 How come you are such a know nothing loser. I am surprised that you managed to reproduce.