Friday, October 23, 2020

US State-Funded NPR Refuses To Cover Hunter Biden Story, Calling It A 'Waste Of Time'

Post-Millenial News: State-funded NPR refuses to cover Hunter Biden story, calling it a 'waste of time' 

State-funded National Public Radio said on Thursday that they are not covering the bombshell reporting on Hunter Biden's alleged influence peddling scheme because "we don't want to waste our time on stories that are not really stories..." 

"Why haven't you seen any stories from NPR about the NY Post's Hunter Biden story?" NPR asks, and answers: "Read more in this week's newsletter." "We don't want to waste out time on stories that are not really stories, and we don't want to waste the readers' or listeners' time on stories that are purely distractions," NPR wrote. 

WNU Editor: After spending over three years reporting on the Russian-Trump collusion hoax, NPR says they are not covering this story?!?!?!? These people are not journalists. They are activists. In the meantime real journalists are doing what real journalists do, investigate and report .... Jaw-Dropping Report Details Chinese State-Owned Company's Partnership With Biden, Kerry Families (Red State).


Anonymous said...

Where is Attn Gen Barrand why is he ignoring this?

Anonymous said...

1) There is no person called Attention General Barrand.

2) The abbreviation for attorney is "atty.".

3) The only time you got laid was, because a woman took pity on you and it was a sympathy ____.

4) Name the law that was broken. You could, but this more of political issue than a legal one. Just because a law is broken does not mean you get prosecuted, convicted, or sentenced to prison. A Du Pont heir raped his 3 year old daughter, admitted to it, got probation, and never showed up for therapy. Beau Biden defended the plea deal. So the management went against Congressional intent and probably broke the law, And?

Official Democrat DC will defend the lawbreakers and go to the mat for them.

5) NPR will get defunded, if Trump is re-elected.

6) Have a special day.

B.Poster said...

Good question. AG Barr seems to have vanished. The risks that one takes personally to publicly support Trump are quite high whereas the financial rewards for doing so are practically non existent. IMHO Trump has the correct policies for America but will need the assistance of others to implement them. Perhaps AG Barr is working diligently on this and will comment when they have "all of their ducks in a row." A good prosecutor moves meticulously and does not rush things based upon the political situation. Another possibility is that he has been bought off or intimidated into silence. We will know soon enough.

Anonymous said...

"NPR says they are not covering this story?!?!?!? These people are not journalists. They are activists."

Why are you surpised? U.S.A. is a Banana Republic, but it is New & Improved with Nukes!

Corrupt DC Judge Emmet Sullivan Delays General Flynn Case Again – Demands DOJ Sign Off on Evidence

We are going on 9 months give or take a month. What about a speedy trial? You can argue that this is sentencing, if you wanted to respond in a computerese logic type of way and be a dick. Arrest, charging, jury trial and sentencing are are part of the "jury process".

Banana Republic

Anonymous said...

I use to listen to "All things considered" on my way to work. Then someone told me about Rush.

Anonymous said...

Reputable places have not carried this and explained that there is no authenticity, vetting to it. Why, for example, even the guy or woman who wrote the piece for the NY Post refused to allow his name to be used with the story. Do you seriously believe that media is required to carry any and all stories that you want to believe are true?
Let then the Attorney General of the nation investigate, indict, if there is something that is illegal.

Anonymous said...

In other words, insofar as it is possible to decode these stories and discard the innuendo, they contain no wrongdoing by Joe Biden, and they suggest that Hunter Biden was unscrupulously trying to profit from his famous last name.

David A. Graham: All Trump cared about was Ukraine announcing an investigation

This presents some problems for the Trump campaign. First, it has been clear all along that Hunter Biden’s personal and business lives are messy and unsavory. What Trump has yet to turn up, though, is any evidence of illegal behavior by Hunter in his business dealings. That’s certainly not for lack of trying. Trump henchmen such as Rudy Giuliani have been searching for years, and so far the only tangible thing they have to show for it is that the president was impeached.

Sarah Chayes described Hunter Biden’s behavior in The Atlantic as “perfectly legal, socially acceptable corruption,” and I argued that the House should have called him during impeachment proceedings. Trying to profit off your father’s name and fame is gross, but if it’s a criminal offense, then that’s bad news for Donald Jr., Eric, and Ivanka Trump—to say nothing of the president himself.

Trump is stuck flogging a story with no clear legal violations that’s difficult to understand for anyone not already immersed in the conservative-media ecosystem—which means nearly anyone who’s not already a committed Trump voter. This helps explain why on Tuesday, even before the Journal stories had published, Trump was calling on Attorney General William Barr to announce a probe.

Anonymous said...

Floggin is what liberals like Toobin do.

Anonymous said...

"perfectly legal, socially acceptable corruption,”

Biden does not own 5 houses based on his Senatorial salary.

Be careful what you wish for. I know where to look.

Anonymous said...

Forbes Estimates China Paid Trump At Least $5.4 Million Since He Took Office, Via Mysterious Trump Tower Lease

Anonymous said...

Inside the campaign to 'pizzagate' Hunter Biden

Anonymous said...

There is a distinction between an ongoing investigation, committee reports, and govt actions and reactions to this and unauthenticated stories in a tabloid where even the writer refuses to use his name. If you are unable to make this distinction than you really need to rethink things

Anonymous said...

Spin, hyperbole and deception How Trump claimed credit for an Obama veterans achievement

Anonymous said...

Trump’s Philanthropy Big Tax Write-Offs and Claims That Don’t Always Add Up

Anonymous said...

Trump’s campaign made stops nationwide. Coronavirus cases surged in his wake in at least five places.

Anonymous said...

6 posts by Fred Lapides. He must be worried. Polls are trending the wrong way. He must get out and with his megaphone blanket the web with posts to change minds.