Monday, October 26, 2020

US Warns It'll Destroy Potential Iranian Long-Range Missile Shipment Delivered To Venezuela

US Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela Elliott Abrams 

US warns it'll destroy potential Iranian long-range missile shipment delivered to Maduro regime 

EXCLUSIVE: The United States is warning it will destroy potential Iranian long-range missile shipments delivered to the Maduro regime in Venezuela, a senior administration official tells Fox News.  
"The transfer of long-range missiles from Iran to Venezuela is not acceptable to the United States and will not be tolerated or permitted," said Elliott Abrams, the State Department Special Representative for Iran and Venezuela. 

"We will make every effort to stop shipments of long-range missiles, and if somehow they get to Venezuela they will be eliminated there," added a senior administration official.

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WNU Editor: The deployment of long-range missiles in Venezuela will raise red-alarms everywhere. The target would obviously be the U.S., and the Iranians will probably be the ones who will managing it. So why is the U.S. issuing the threat now when there are no Iranian long range missiles in Venezuela? It looks like there are some intelligence indicating that this is what Iran and Venezuela want to do, and are making plans.


Unknown said...

Best blow the dust off the 1962 Cuban blockade manual. 🙉💥

Anonymous said...

This strikes me, in part, as a measure of the impact sanctions on Iran's economy are having.

Anonymous said...

Are we at war? It sure seems like it. Are the Democrats, who inhabit the Potomac Swamp fucking crazy?

I say they are.

Venezuela is broke.

So China is giving Venezuela anti-ship missiles.

So Iran wants to base long range missiles in Venezuela.

That is a lot of military hardware going into a country coming from a lot of countries.

Apparently, Americans Jews who slavishly vote for anything with a (D) behind the name don't care. Hoe many Jewish Venezuelans are left? Did they leave before the the mass exodus or before. If it is before why?

Did it have anything to do with synagogues being raided and their membership lists stolen?

American Jews like Weissman and Rosenstein were too busy doing God's work to worry about genocide south of the border.

Sick: Venezuela's thug regime broke into synagogues and stole 'lists' of Jews - 2019

Venezuelan Jews at risk - March 10, 2009

"Computer hard drives, containing the database with the names, addresses, of almost every Jewish family in Venezuela. This includes donor lists, member lists, Jewish school lists, many including residences and place of business. This was not an act of common, even professional anti-semitic vandalism. This was a well-planned mission to retrieve the name and address of every Jew in Venezuela... With this list in the hands of this highly trained and organized group, every Venezuelan Jew is at risk."

For Venezuelan Jews, a New Home for Rosh Hashanah 6.09.2013 Haaretz

"Most experts agree that at least half of Venezuela's Jewish population has fled in the past decade: Many now call South Florida their home."

Correct me, if I am wrong, but March 10, 2008 was over a decade ago and was before Trump became president.

Also, what the fuck did Obama do?

We know what Hollywood and other celebrity liberals did. They played kissy face with the fascists.

Anonymous said...

I hope they catch this on video, I love watching things blow up.

Jac said...

Well, with a B2, it will be a piece of cake.