Monday, October 5, 2020

Was The NBC-WSJ Poll Fixed?

Zero Hedge: NBC-WSJ Poll Gives Biden 14 Point Lead... By Massively Oversampling Democrats 

A new Wall Street Journal / NBC News poll released on Sunday gave former Vice President Joe Biden a 14-point lead over President Trump, suggesting that "the debate - is having a material effect on Mr. Trump's political standing. 

Another factor having a 'material effect' is the poll's egregious oversampling of Democrats - with 45% of those asked identifying as either "Strong Democrat" , "Not very strong Democrat" , "Independent/lean Democrat" - vs. the 36% of those asked identifying as the same degrees of Republican. 

13% of those asked are "Strictly Independent. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: I saw the NBC/WSJ poll yesterday after I had ripped into the Reuter's poll .... Reuters Poll Says Biden Is Ahead Of Trump By 10%. Another Poll Shows President Trump Ahead Nationally, In Swing States And In The Electoral College. Who Is Right? (October 4, 2020). Decided yesterday to ignore the WSJ poll. But after hearing about it early this morning on multiple Canadian news channels, and reading the above post on Zero Hedge, I decided to do this post. This continuous oversampling and manipulation of polls makes me wonder if there is another agenda at play. You tell me.


Anonymous said...

If you distrust a poll or any poll, why post it to question it?

tip: in the past, based on the last election, we are told to distrust all polls.

tip: what is the purpose of any poll when it is the result of the election that counts?

Anonymous said...

No matter the polls; it's the bottom line that counts.

As I've written before, if Trump doesn't cool it with the abrasiveness and rudeness in the next debate my money is on the cellar dweller. That's not the way I'm voting but...

Anonymous said...

wo-thirds of Americans say President Donald Trump handled the risk of coronavirus infection to others around him irresponsibly, according to a new CNN Poll conducted by SSRS in the days following the announcement that the President had contracted the virus that has disrupted everyday life for millions of people for more than half a year.

With Trump hospitalized at Walter Reed National Military Medical Center, 69% of Americans said they trusted little of what they heard from the White House about the President's health, with only 12% saying they trusted almost all of it.

Disapproval of the President's handling of the coronavirus outbreak stands at a new high in the survey, with 60% saying they disapprove. Additionally, 63% say his own infection is unlikely to change anything about the way that he handles the pandemic.

Questions about Trump's coronavirus diagnosis were added to a survey already in progress on Friday.

Anonymous said...

Obviously the purpose is to encourage the Democratic base while discouraging the Republican base to affect turnout.

Anonymous said...

If the reality was that DT was going to get a lot of votes, then the agenda would be to be able to argue that there was something wrong with the counting and Biden should get more votes. Traditionally, though, the purpose would have been to encourage democrat turnout and discourage repub turnout.

There is no enthusiasm for Biden. Zero, zip, nada, niente. There are voters wildly looking forward to voting for trump. There is a pretty good size group of voters looking forward to voting against trump. There are a few voters who don't like trump but like biden even less. But pretty much no one thinks Biden is a good choice to be president. So him winning, let alone by a big margin, is hard for me to imagine happening.

Anonymous said...

Trolls are busy. This must be a really important election to them

4:21 seems quite trollish and churlish. You have to talk about bad polls and show why they are if legacy news organizations with a major share of the new market push them.

I called the US a Banana Republic, because of all the cheating. They rig the polls so that when rig the election they will with a very serious straight face say the elections results and polls match therefore there cannot be a stolen election.

Some people, who sat in the pews in college, wear respectable suits, and intoned in very grave and dignified voices that they must curate candidates for elect so that there is a not another Trump. They want to vet presidential candidate like Iran, Russia, Venezuela, China, and other great nations do. These are the same people that will tell us mail in ballots are good and oversampling is no big deal for ... reason.

Keep on trolling you fuck. I'll survive whatever system. You might not. I notice that you are low on the food chain. Your betters have you doing propaganda scut work. Inn the future they might have you doing more scut work on the front lines or leave you hanging in need of resources that they failed to provide. Have fun little one.

Hans Persson said...

Why do they think this is a good tactic?

Jeffsmith said...

We will know in a month.