Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Why Are America's Russia Watchers Getting It So Wrong When It Comes to Understanding Russia?


Our ability to treat with Moscow depends to a great degree on assessing and predicting Russian actions. Yet the striking number of times that Washington has been surprised by Russian behavior over the past few decades suggests that—more than ever—American experts are struggling in this endeavor. 

Russian-American relations are at a new nadir. Our ability to treat with Moscow depends to a great degree on assessing and predicting Russian actions. 

Yet the striking number of times that Washington has been surprised by Russian behavior over the past few decades suggests that—more than ever—American experts are struggling in this endeavor. 

Indeed, writing in the National Interest on Monday, Michael Lind offered a tart assessment of America’s perceptions of Russia: “If Trump, in spite of his unpopularity, is re-elected, then much of the trans-Atlantic establishment will attribute the result to the machinations of the all-powerful, diabolical Vladimir Putin. 

One reason to hope for a Biden victory (there are not many) is the possibility that it will bring an end to the hysterical neo-McCarthyism that has gripped America’s foreign policy, academic and media establishments for the past four years.“ 

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WNU Editor: An interesting discussion on where U.S. - Russia relations are headed. If you are a Russia watcher, the above video is for you.


B.Poster said...

Allot of sound and fury in this. Thus far the Forbes analysis that suggests Russia and it's leadership are the are either the 1st or 2nd in terms of power in the world power is largely accurate in my considered opinion is spot on. US leaders need to act accordingly.

Russia is a major world world power and will be so for centuries. In contrast the US faces massive internal strife and very powerful foreign adversaries. It's mid range survival rate at this point is statistically nominal.

B.Poster said...

Essentially Russia watchers and many other US leaders don't understand geo political reailty. Is this based upon stupidity or ideolgy? I don't know. Maybe it's genetic inbreeding that explains such insane stupidity.

The keys: recognize the so called "free world" isn't trustworthy, hates us, wants us dead and isn't free. Then act qccordingly.

The US is not "indispensable" nor is it the "leader of the free world." There is no "free world." While this should've been obvious for a long time allowing the George Floyd protests to go forward and even be encouraged establishes that the US is a racist country unless it stands up, resists the dominance of Black Lives Matter/ANTIFA it will never be respected by those who matter.

Anonymous said...

A mid-ranged size office with lots of people and yet lots of time on the computer.

B.Poster said...

While there are and likeky will continue to be disagreements, in general stand up to Russia where and when its necessary, avoid needless confrontations, treat Russia as an equal, and recognize our own limitations. I believe such an approach would be a vast improvement over our current situation.

Anonymous said...