Monday, October 19, 2020

Will The Democrat Strategy Of Limiting Exposure Of Their US Presidential Candidate And Focus All Of Their Energies On President Trump Work?

Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden and Senator and vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris celebrate after Biden accepted the presidential nomination during the 4th and final night of the Democratic National Convention, as participants from across the country are hosted over video links from the originally planned site of the convention in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, August 20, 2020. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque 

Thaddeus G. McCotter, American Greatness: The Gaslight Election Won’t Work 

Whatever they claim, one electoral maxim is beginning to bite the Democrats in their proverbial nether regions: voters want to vote for something. 

I recently chatted with a veteran political observer who asked my opinion on a matter confounding him. Apparently, this observer had conversed with an equally politically savvy person, and the pair had shared a puzzlement over the dearth of audiences at former Vice President Joe Biden’s campaign appearances. They were further befuddled by the media treating this as if it were perfectly normal. Ultimately, both deemed the 2020 presidential election the oddest not only in their lifetimes, but in all of American history. They felt something was missing, but couldn’t divine what. 

I opined that the Democrats are running a “gaslight election.” What was missing from the Democratic Party was a real candidate and issues. In the past, these have been requisite for waging a campaign for the White House. Today, though, the Democrats, quite deliberately, have turned the 2020 presidential election from a contest into a referendum. 

This explains the Democratic Party power brokers’ selection of Biden to serve as a “safe” face for the party, one that needs to do little more than read platitudes from his teleprompter.  

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The last time that I saw a US Presidential election like this one where one of the candidates decided to limit his campaign was Senator John McCain in 2008 when he suspended his campaign for a period of time due to the financial crisis. That decision did not go well for him. It killed his momentum and it shifted the spotlight to then Senator Obama. Will the same happen in this election? In a normal election this will not work and Biden will lose, but this is not a normal election. The pandemic has changed the dynamics on the ground, and I suspect how people are voting (i.e. mail ballots, advance polls, etc.). As for the above post, I think the author is onto something. What has strike me about this campaign is the intense Democrat focus on President Trump. More specifically, focusing their campaign to convince voters who do not like President Trump personally to vote for their candidate. And I think this strategy is working. Just this past weekend I talked separately to two of my American friends because I was curious to known what is their read of the election. My friends were non-comital, but in both cases their wives intervened. They regard President Trump as a horrible human being that disgusts them. And they are going to vote against him. Where did all of this hate come from? My friends are doing economically well in this pandemic, none of their family or friends have gotten sick, and many of President Trump's policies they agree with. But the hate is there. 

Some Democrat's are worried .... The hidden factors that could produce a surprise Trump victory (Politico). I think these concerns are concerned. Democrat concerns that early voting and mail ballots may not actually favor Democrats are justified. I remember early this year when a vote was held in the 25th Congressional District that because of the heavy turnout of early voters and mail-in ballots coupled with a large Hispanic population the Democrat was assumed to be a shoe-in. It did not happen. The Republican won by almost ten percent.


Anonymous said...

Back when Trump v Hillary was in full swing, I placed several strategic bets for Trump to win at incredible odds that have certainly helped me financially.

I placed those bets because I thought Trump had a chance to win, and that the bookie odds were too good to turn down.

Not only was I hoping for Trump to win, because I dislike Hillary immensely, but because if he won, I'd win a big landfall.

Now; fast forward to this election. I certainly do not trust the polls, and I think this will be a much closer election than those polls suggest, but I've been very reserved in my betting; not to mention I'm not getting anywhere near the odds I was getting first time round.

I don't like Biden, but he's more likeable than Hillary, not by much, but he may do better than Hillary did.

I don't like Trump either; he is a rather disgusting man, an individual who has very few positive traits about him. The way he talks, how he manufactures his speech, his body language, to the way he is so self-absorbed into himself and his importance.

But Trump is Trump; he wears his feelings on his sleeve, and you get what you see with Trump. That's been his broad appeal. Don't have to like him, but it's his policies that matter. I hate the man but I would vote him in again and again when paired with the current candidates, simply because of his policies.

I will say he has fumbled the Covid-19 pandemic. What he has said, and his actions, has not helped the optics of how he is seen. If he loses this election, the majority of it will be blamed on his performance during the pandemic. He has given mixed and often confusing remarks about Covid, and he has not led by example with the sort of message he was trying to convey.

Anonymous said...

"I don't like Trump either; he is a rather disgusting man"

After years of Maxine Waters, Sheila Jackson Lee and others Trump is the problem?

Sure Schumer and Dick Durbin do not sound like the above mentioned representatives but they are no better. They may not be as guttural, but their speech is syruppy, insincere and needling.

Take stock of the Democrat Representatives and rate them on the same scale as Trump.

People like Jeb Bush, McCain and others are so prim and so proper, they could not win against the sharp elbows of the guttersnipes of the Democrat Party.

They are almost completely so beaten that all they would have had to do to a President JEb is so you are racists and you hate Hispanics and eh would say "Okay, Okay please don't beat me."

Trump won because society is such that other Republican candidates could not win. They are Stockholm Republicans and except for their lieutenants who are vicious to other Republicans, they cannot and will not fight back.

These idiots think they are going back to the good old days of Bob Michels, where they showed up for a quorum, let Democrats rule, and played golf. History is not going to repeat itself. The Democrats want a one party state.

Anonymous said...

"I will say he has fumbled the Covid-19 pandemic. "

Europe is being hit hard.

If at the end of a year and then again at 18 months, if Europe does not have less deaths than the US, how can you say Trump did worse than Herr Merkel or Miss Macron?

Anonymous said...

I agree about DJT. He's too over the wall. But he gets done what has needed doing for decades and too my satisfaction.
I will vote for him again.
My sister doesn't like him and that is her only criteria. Trump's personality may cost him the election, unfortunately. His advisors should have gotten this across to him before the first so called debate and to the point of yelling at him to shut up and listen.
Biden is a nothing. He would have been his own worst enemy but for Trump's behavior in the first meeting, as I wrote the day after.

My two bits.

Mike Feldhake said...

You guys are nuts; why can’t you value the person in office based on results instead of personality!! Really, is Hillary’s, Biden, Obama, Schumer any better?

I judge results and the man gets it done; China, Trade, Wall, immigrants, NATO, Minorities, Regulations etc etc etc.

Trump in a windfall; the evidence is there if you choose to see it. Forget these poles.

Anonymous said...

Whenever I go on a cruise boat I check out the captain.

I would rather go on a cruise with a captain that is Mr personality with poor navigation skills tan a captain with good navigation skills and a gruff manner.

Because cruise ships never sink. So the captain's mannerisms are way so importante!

But that is just me, I'm brite!

Costa Concordia disaster

On 28 January, the 17th body, that of a female crew member, was recovered from a submerged part of the vessel.

On 22 February, guided by information from passengers as to where bodies might be,[106] divers found eight additional bodies

On 22 March, another five bodies were discovered in a remote section of the ship that was believed to be inside the hull.[110]

On 15 January 2013, the final two bodies were thought to have been located


Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Technique, you can do it!

Anonymous said...

You seem so paranoid stop what you are taking it is not helping you.