Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Would China Prefer Donald Trump Or Joe Biden As The Next US President?

US President Donald Trump and Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden debate in Cleveland, Ohio, September 29, 2020. © REUTERS

Voters in the United States are set to have their say on who should be president in less than a month, and the outcome of the election could have implications thousands of kilometres away in China. 

There is no disputing that under Donald Trump's presidency, US-China relations have plummeted to their lowest level in decades. 

But some Chinese say they would prefer to see the former real estate mogul remain the Commander in Chief. 

"Trump is a very tough person, a smart business guy, [and] because of his cunning business nature he has handled the trade war between China and the US very well," freelance photographer Jiulin, 34, said. 

"It is very foolish, from my perspective, that China is trying to challenge the status of United States." He is not alone in his views. History teacher Zhu Xin, 50, said he also wanted Mr Trump to be re-elected. 

WNU Editor: I asked my contacts and friends in China on who would they prefer. The ones who work for the government did not want to answer that question. In the past they always made their opinion known when it came to US politics. But not this time around. Fortunately my Chinese friends who are retired and/or run businesses were not hesitant to tell me on who do they want in the White House. They all want Joe Biden to be the next US President, and this is the reason why .... Expect Biden to go softer on China (Asia Times).


Anonymous said...

Yep. Biden is not the dynamo DJT is. I have a feeling the chinese consider biden soft. He was, after all, obamma's vice president and obamma certainly didn't scare anyone.

Anonymous said...

You forget Obama's mom jeans that spread fear across the globe.
Like a certain FO's sartorial style that still strikes terror in the hearts of Chinamen in the 80's.

Anonymous said...

Better choose the right 1 or else .

Anonymous said...

Obama castrated the military while telling China "we are coming for your"in his failed pivot to Asia

Putin called Obama a child on camera

Biden is no match, intellectually or even energetically for Xi, who isn't that smart himself

Under Trump, before the Wuhan virus was released on the world, the USA saw its best economic data in 70 years and China saw its worst economic crash in 70 years. The game was up. China was losing and big in front if the world.

Suddenly a novel virus befalls the earth and trade deal which the Chinese signed prior has an escape clause for viruses lol

Give me a break and just nuke China

They are prepping for war and have clearly released a virus on us, still have not given all the data and lied on many instances

We can either wait until they go formally to war with us, or we do it now

Keep in mind, they were ok to steal trillions from us, which in turn must have killed millions at home, thanks to hospitals closing , medicine and treatment people can no longer afford. And that was before the Wuhan virus, which killed even more around the world before all this is over

Not to talk about their concentration camps, sterilisation programs... how is China not Nazi Germany?

Today's China has even less ethnic diversity than Hitler Germany in 1946 after killing millions

How many ethnically unwanted have been murdered in China? 40 million?80 million?

And how were they killed?we even have documents they needed to sign before death. Just like in nazi Germany.

Let's get this over with.
Hope Xi reads this to know, time is up.

Either change or WW3

Anonymous said...

I know many Chinese personally and have so for years.

Before 2018, about a year in his presidency, Trump was actually liked in China. The Chinese didn't really care too much about him, fully focused on their own grandiose illusions of themselves, more interested in shopping than world affairs

This all changed in 2019 and rapidly so when the trade war heated up and China was losing badly, and publicly so

Remember, before the Wuhan virus hit, the Chinese had their worst economic record in 70 years (while the USA under Trump broke record after record.. the USA GDP was now almost twice the size of China's in 2019)

The hatred for trump was boiling over in China. And they started to disdain Xi.

Talk about removing Xi was rampant in the late summer in 2019, even openly discussed in Shanghai

It was something I had not seen in decades. Doubt in China

2 months later, the Wuhan virus was released, I mean escaped the lab, in Wuhan, China

Since then there's a blackout on information

My guess is, this was a blackops, OKed by Xi himself, who saw no way out but the prepared pandemic plan. He went for it. He will pay for it, one way or another

How is China's doing since 2019, when their economy was collapsing in front of the world?

Well, China is the biggest winner by far, going on a buying spree from London to Paris to NYC

Just how?

Worst economic record in 70 years in 2019

Vast empty office landscapes before, built on a pipe dream.. now buying the property of people desperate around the world thanks to a virus they unleashed

This is war and neither Biden nor Harris understand the ruthlessness of the Chinese mind. They're not here to share. The Chinese plan to dominate and enslave us. And sterilisation programs for all those who don't kneel. They're completely mad with their phantasies around a Chinese Reich, very much like Nazis

Take the Chinese threat seriously. They have no problem extermination you. You're not even Han Chinese. Look at what they do to unwanted Chinese. You'll be boiled to death alive, they don't care

Anonymous said...

There's almost no pathos in China
No understanding of christianity or other religions that emphasize kinship and mercy
It doesn't exist in China. It's not in their mind. They don't think the way we do

Their goal is money
Their means is theft, lying and warfare
They don't believe in an afterlife
They want to get rich here, in this life and have 0 patience for your desires, hopes or dreams. You're in their way. I'm the Chinese mind, they'd have ruled the world by now, if not for pesty trade war with Trump

Of course they released the virus
And engineered it
And lied about it
And laughed

Muhammad Azwar said...

Nice Post.
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