Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Biden Administration Will Keep US Forces In Syria

A US soldier sits atop an armoured vehicle during a demonstration by Syrian Kurds against Turkish threats next to a base for the US-led international coalition on the outskirts of Ras al-Ain town in Syria's Hasakeh province near the Turkish border on October 6, 2019. - US forces in Syria started pulling back today from Turkish border areas, opening the way for Ankara's threatened military invasion and heightening fears of a jihadist resurgence. DELIL SOULEIMAN 

Presidential candidate Joe Biden will demand hard political reforms from Bashar Al-Assad's regime and Russia if Syria is to receive US reconstruction funding, according to Arabic-language media. 

An adviser for Biden, the Democrats candidate for president, told a group of Syrians that if elected he will not soften US policy towards the Assad regime, according to Alsharq Alawsat, which is responsible for the majority of the 500,000 deaths during the war. 

The regime must ease its hold on power, address the refugee issue, and release detainees if reconstruction money is to be unlocked, the report said. 

WNU Editor: Syria is not the only place where US forces will remain and/or be increased. My gut tells me that US involvement in all of these forever wars around the world is about to increase.


RussInSoCal said...

Yes, a Biden administration will keep US forces in Syria. A Biden administration will renew US dependence on foreign oil. A Biden administration will gut the military while simultaneously assigning it with more war.

A Biden administration will be be utterly corrupted and compromised by China. Blackmailed. A Biden administration will capitulate to Iran. A Biden administration will capitulate to domestic terrorists, Antifa and BLM.

A Biden administration will destroy the police. A Biden administration - packed full of bi-coastal political elites - will hound and punish the producers of our country. A Biden administration will pile new taxes and regulations upon all businesses. A Biden administration will degrade the US standard of living and be the guarantor of poverty. A Biden administration will try to force a new System upon or nation. Not an agenda, but a System.

A Biden administration will succumb to every progressive-fascist whim put in front of it. A Biden administration will do its best to eliminate every check and balance written by the founders. A Biden administration will see the United States become an unrecognizable husk of itself.

A Biden administration is a thing that cannot be allowed to occur.

Caecus said...

The Empire strikes back

Anonymous said...

The United States gets its very own Senator Galba raised by the Praetorian Guard.

Anonymous said...

The old esteemed, senile Senator Galba

"Taking advantage of the defeat of Vindex's rebellion and Nero's suicide, he became emperor with the support of the Praetorian Guard. His physical weakness and general apathy led to him being dominated by favorites. Unable to gain popularity with the people or maintain the support of the Praetorian Guard, Galba was murdered by Otho, who then became emperor."

Reminds me of Sleepy Joe.

Anonymous said...

trump the draft dodger--and his butt boys belittle others: tired of winning?

Anonymous said...

Biden got one draft deferment after another.

If you want to talk butt boys, you have to talk Democrats like Ed Buck. He can murder black men left and right and Democrats refuse to put him in jail.

Only time I have seen a white man kill a black man, rightly or wrongly, and there is no protest.

But Ed Buck donates to Democrats so he gets a free pass.

Hillary Clinton loves to be seen with Ed Buck, but she was happy to be seen with Epstein. So what the hay. It is no problem in her book.

B.Poster said...

"A Biden Administration is a thing that cannot be allowed to occur." According to CNN's website the race is "to close to call " According to Fox News this morning "it is not over." Additionally the courts are going to need to address the shenanigans with mail in ballots and denial of access to counting places of Republicans. Obviously the cases are compelling or the Trump team wouldn't be taking this track.

kidd said...

its a devil mans world

Anonymous said...

you need to do a bit of study about elections and the American court system. Did they not teach that in bot school?

B.Poster said...

Anon (9:35),

The courts decide legal issues where disputes concerning the law and how it applies are concerned. The Supreme Court decides cases where the Constitution is involved. A Federal election especially for POTUS will obviously have Constitutional ramifications. So, at some point, the Supreme Court may need to get involved.

Courts like all other entities face political pressures and are operated by people. People sometimes make mistakes and sometimes they are reluctant to stand up to powerful forces.

While I'm not an attorney, I do have a working knowledge of how our legal system works and due to the political and legal situation here the Trump team isn't going to bring legal challenges unless they have merit. I noticed you criticized my position workout offering any examples of how or where you think I'm in error.

Anonymous said...

Bot VS Bot

TROLL vs TROLL on this page.

Anonymous said...