Thursday, November 5, 2020

A Look At Georgia, Nevada, And Pennsylvania

WNU Editor:
Biden's Lead Expands In Nevada As Vote Count Drags On; Philly Dems Move To Stop Trump Observers 

Update (1245ET): As of 12:45 p.m. today there are approximately 50,401 ballots still outstanding in Georgia. 

Meanwhile, Twitter's aggressive censorship is angering millions of conservatives and drawning attacks from Trump and his campaign. Meanwhile, officials in Clark County are holding a live briefing. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: With 99% of the votes counted in Georgia, President Trump's lead is over 13,000. There are 50,401 ballots left to be counted. For Joe Biden to win, he will need to get over 60% of this vote. Even if he does not, it is a guarantee that this count is going to a recount. 

Nevada will be called for Biden later today. 

I do not understand why Trump election monitors are not permitted to watch the vote being counted in Philadelphia. This is standard in Canada where I live when we have an election.


Anonymous said...

They are permitted already. He's asking for more than normal.

You can watch too the livestream in Phili right now:

If you don't trust the link, just google it.

War News Updates Editor said...


I am looking for a news link that says Republican observers are permitted to monitor the vote. The only one I found was from NBC's Andrea Mitchell that says observers are permitted, but Republican officials are sayin that the report is not true. If you have a link from another source please provide it.

Having a video looking at a room is not monitoring the count. I have worked at my local polling station a few times over the years. When I have a vote for candidate A, Observer A,B, and C are there to make sure that I put it in the A pile to be counted. That is not happening in Philadelphia.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the clarity, editor.

Anonymous said...

I do not understand why Trump election monitors are not permitted to watch the vote being counted in Philadelphia.

We know why. Democrats are cheating. After 13 hours Republicans got in 1 day to aPhilly counting center and were told to stand 50 feet back.

Distance Legibility Chart

Everyone know that you can't read a 12 point font size (4.233 mm) at 50 feet or even 10 feet. For Democrats to ask for that shows that they are liars, cheats and thieves.

Being let into polling location after hours and hours is evidence of bad intent.

We were taught a few decades ago that there were reforms of the civil service after the Civil War to make America better. To make it a meritocracy. And it might have gotten better for awhile. As it stand now wee are at Tammany Hall levels of corruption and we have an aristocracy.

Anonymous said...

'This should raise red flags .... Pennsylvania County Says It Won’t Resume Counting Votes Until Friday Due to “Administrative Work”'

It is called a huddle to decide which play they are going to run to get over the goal line.

Canada can hold "fair" elections. They already intimidate people with Human Rights commission from speaking out.

Canada is actually worse off than the US although the US will catch up. If you point out in Canada that the majority of terrorists are Muslim, you are gone. Forget about discussing policy to limit immigration from Muslim nations. So really what is an election in those circumstances.

Canada has the window dressing of Democracy. They wear it a little better than the USSR or East Bloc, but that shine will soon fade.

Anonymous said...

Canada: Imam Denounces Free Speech, Trudeau Agrees

Trudeau showing himself to be the mentally deficient person that he is made a poorly thought out analogy between yelling fire in a theater and political cartoons.

Canada has the window dressing of Democracy, but really it has none.