Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Archeological Evidence Indicates That Mankind Has Been Waging Warfare For 100,000 Years

This graph, created by study author Dr Longrich, shows the global battles which waged for millennia between Neanderthals and humans, both archaic (blue) and modern (red) 

 * Neanderthals and Homo sapiens evolved from one ancestor 600,000 years ago 
 * Two species co-existed together until Neanderthal extinction 40,000 years ago 
 * Experts believe the two species were engaged in a long-running guerrilla war 
 * Dr Nicholas R. Longrich of the University of Bath explains it for The Conversation 

Neanderthals and Homo sapiens were closely related, sister species who evolved from the same ancestor and co-existed for millennia. 

But scientists have tussled with trying to explain why Neanderthals went extinct around 40,000 years and humans lived on. 

Several theories have been put forward to explain how this happened, including competition for the same resources, such as food and shelter; Neanderthals being unable to adjust to rapid climate change; and direct confrontation. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: War and violence is our nature.


Anonymous said...

If any Aliens are watching this and see that we now militarize space, I hope they just quarantine us. Humans are sick.

Once we get over our flaws, I'm happy for us to expand beyond the solar system. Until then I vote for isolating us.

We have people among us(looks in the direction of China) who to this day, today, have mass concentration camps, ethnic cleansing programs and are OK to unleash a virus on us all.

Imagine what we would do to life forms we don't like.

We kill billions of chicken every year, billions of cows, billions of other cattle. We are a sick, sick species.

Anonymous said...

It's the old "Who threw that rock? He did the ugly guy over there! Whaaat, OW!!"

Anonymous said...

Speak for yourself, 12:54.

Anonymous said...


You are a might bit touchy aren't you?

Maybe because it ruins one of your illogical, poorly thought out schticks?

When It Comes to Waging War, Ants and Humans Have a Lot in Common

You can look up chimpanzees going to war your own damn self.

Anonymous said...

When there are no wolves coyotes get 10% bigger (Appalachians).

When there are no tigers, leopards get 10% bigger (SRI lANKA).


If there were high numbers a little more IQ, I betcha we would have would could be properly measured as a war.

Nature films have been politicized in the last few years. Try watching ones from the time before they got Attenborough.

Anonymous said...

Remember: No Ant Left Behind! Semper Gumby!

Anonymous said...

If anyone wants to escape the election world for a few hours this is a really interesting podcast about early man and theories on how we advanced from apes. This guy believes that the ability to throw was the great leap forward.


Anonymous said...

The ability to throw was the droning of the ancient and prehistoric world.

Anonymous said...

My brother did the 23 and me DNA test, turns out we have a higher than normal percentage of Neanderthal DNA(5%)...most be our Slovenian side.

Anonymous said...

Correction 2%...

Anonymous said...

What % Denisovan?

Not likely but with tribes migrating from Central or East Asia to Europe, it is possible, however remotely. I would think Hungarians or Bulgarians would have a better chance.

Russians would have a chance as Russian nobility married Cuman nobility.

Anonymous said...

I'm not disagreeing that warfare is existent in ants, as well as primates, so your point is well taken. :)

I'm just looking at it like this

(Most) healthy and stable people don't want war, right? I think that's a fair statement, but let me know if you violently disagree.

Some people do want war for varying reasons, ranging from greed to bloodlust.

But overall man doesn't get up in the morning lusting to kill a fellow man. I've never had that desire and never will (unless attacked by China lol)

I just think that we need a few more hundred years until we should venture outside the solar system, or at least if we do so, have a clear understanding and declaration of what we must not do, similar to the prime directive in star trek.

It's bad enough that we kill each other. Imagine a Dick Cheney type of character getting us into a war with another species.

I know, I know it is far fetched and likely hundreds of years away. But this creepy propagation of existing, war- favouring systems is horrible.

If we don't get the military industrial complex under control, it WILL seek ever expanding, ever growing profit margins in space. And if we don't agree as humans to not let it happen and have a framework in place, and safeguard it, we WILL export the worst of mankind.

I cannot think of a more horrible thing to do, in the name of materialism. It's just wrong.

I'm for having laser weapons and good planetary defense, don't get me wrong. But the temptation to "dehumanize" space aliens will be so big and so uncontrollable, we need to have the discussion soon. Not today, but maybe in a few years. There's still time, I think.

That's my perspective on this.. just was on my mind lately@ spaceforce and looking at its logo and how it eerily resembles the star trek logo

Anonymous said...

Materials is a canard.

If you have a material body, you are going to have material needs.

Go to China. If they can afford it they have a car, air conditioning and a computer. Being crowded with public transportation they might not have a car but neither do a lot of urban dwellers in the US or Europe.

Marketing is good (mostly). Without marketing how are you going to make a living if you are not farming, manufacturing or in government? A good marketer with a good product expands the well being of his family and other people's families.

It is better than anything that has come before.

Materialism as you have defined it pejoratively is as old as Charlemagne and older. Read what Charlemagne though about the clothing of young courtiers. Read historians anthropoligists, sociologists and others tell us that the rich in ancient times were there to absorb excess production? What a crock.