Thursday, November 12, 2020

Biden Covid-19 Adviser Advocates Distributing A COVID-19 Vaccine Globally Before It’s Available To All Americans

Annaliese Levy, Sara Carter: Biden Coronavirus Advisor supports distributing a COVID-19 vaccine globally before it’s available to all Americans 

Dr. Zeke Emanuel, Joe Biden’s coronavirus advisor, wants the U.S. to distribute a COVID-19 vaccination globally before it’s available to all Americans. 

Emanuel co-authored a paper in September where he supports following the “Fair Priority Model,” rather than what he and his co-authors called “vaccine nationalism.”  
The Fair Priority Model focuses on three principles: benefiting people and limiting harm, prioritizing countries already disadvantaged by poverty or low life expectancy and avoiding discrimination. The vaccine will be distributed internationally, which means giving away or selling doses of the vaccine before it’s available to every citizen in that country, Emanuel explained to Scientific American.

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WNU Editor: So much for the Trump administration's position that .... .... the U.S. will share any Coronavirus vaccine it develops with other countries after the needs of the American people are met and that the U.S. will not work with the World Health Organization (WHO) on distribution of the vaccine.


Anonymous said...

Make Americans wait again...

RussInSoCal said...

/Ain't it great having a corrupt China stooge make all these great plans for our country?

Anonymous said...

ah, the losing side can hardly wait to dump their bile. 4 years from the peanut gallery ahead. I guess you now assume Biden has won

Anonymous said...

A Biden presidency will be no fun. Being president is serious business not about fun.

Biden is is listening to Zeke Emanuel. Zeke's policy is to tell people over age 75 to take 2 aspirin and die.

Zeke/Biden will not give vaccine to the elderly until everyone in the whole wide world under 75 gets theirs.

By that time it will be too late. There will be no more name calling of CHUDS. There will be no more defending of Saint Hillary, Saint Obama or Saint Biden. The Holy of holies the DNC will be profaned.

Anonymous said...

Advocating from that man is NOT the same as making a policy put in place.
How well has the previous regime dealt with the pandemic? That was probably the cause of their loss of the election

Anonymous said...

As you should know well

Anonymous said...

Look who's hiding behind anon,
Brave brave

Anonymous said...

Using rest of world as test rats. Smart...

Anonymous said...

Definitely have a smart ass foreign troll here.

Republicans are mad as hell that vaccine is sent abroad to use others are "test rats" as you put it.

Democrats are preening. They are not using anyone as lab rats. They are simply virtue signalling.

BTW stupid foreign troll, the phrase you want ins"lab ratS" not test rats". Learn to speak the language pud. I hope your boss sticks you into the gulag or the Chinese or Iranian version.

Dave Goldstein said...

This will guarantee he isn't elected twice. Besides he hasn't been elected once yet