Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Chairman Of The Joint Chiefs of Staff Privately Briefs News Anchors Promising No Military Role In The Election

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Mark Milley 

Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley held an off-the-record video call with top generals and network anchors this weekend to tamp down speculation about potential military involvement in the presidential election, two people familiar with the call tell Axios. 

Why it matters: The nation's top military official set up Saturday's highly unusual call to make clear that the military's role is apolitical, one of the sources said — and to dispel any notion of a role for the military in adjudicating a disputed election or making any decision around removing a president from the White House. 

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WNU Editor: Was this cleared by the White House and/or the US Secretary of Defense? Was this something that he decided to do independently? Apparently General Milley set up Saturday's highly unusual call to make clear that the military's role is apolitical.


Anonymous said...

Milley Vanilley will do whatever the CIA directors, FBI director and the ruling cabal of the DNC decide.

G2 has failed. When the Brennan and Comey so obviously went off the rails, G2 should have expanded its scope. They do not have to pull a trigger. They just have to lay out information and turn the light switch on and watch the cockroaches scatter.

Milley Vanilley had has been to war. As someone in a HQ. Some tough guy. Political operatives are going to eat him alive like they are lions and he is a gazelle unless he acts as their bellhop.

Amp1776 said...

Published 1 hour ago
Pelosi labels Barrett 'an illegitimate Supreme Court justice'


Anonymous said...

Since when does the military answer to the news? The news are the most corrupt of them all

Anonymous said...

Hard for her to get that out between spoons of ice cream.