Wednesday, November 25, 2020

China Accuses The US Of ‘Creating Chaos’ In Asia

US and Chinese flags (FILE PHOTO) © REUTERS/Yuri Gripas 

White House security advisor warns China of worldwide 'backlash' if it tries to use force against Taiwan 

TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — China's embassy in the Philippines on Monday (Nov. 23) accused the U.S. of sowing "chaos" in Asia after a U.S. envoy pledged support for Taiwan, the Philippines, and Vietnam in the face of Chinese military aggression. 

During a speech in Manila on Monday, White House National Security Adviser Robert O’Brien assured the Philippines and Vietnam that "we've got your back" when it comes to China's disputes with those countries over the South China Sea. He then warned that Beijing would face a "backlash" if it tried to use military force against Taiwan, reported The Hill. 

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 More News On China Accusing The US Of ‘Creating Chaos’ In Asia 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The Phillipines agree?

The Phillipines just accept missiles and bombs from the U.S., because they want to stand up to Chinese taking their land and they can't wait.

If they wait, the Biden Occupation will stiff them on the bombs and turn them over to The Phillipines to the Chinese.

Biden et al will turn the The Phillipines or some portion thereof over to the Chinese, by the simple trick of looking the other way.

How can a nation look the other way and not see something like that?

A crisis will be created out of hole cloth or a mole hill or three will be built into mountains. It will consume all the oxygen and the Beltway and the press will be in on it.
Some time later they will formally notice the Chinese aggression, beat their chest about how outrage they are, and tell the public it is fait accomnpli and what they Hell are you bitching about! Your life is pretty much the same as before and pipe down before we curate you social media more.

So of course the Filipinos took the bombs now, while talking out the other side of the mouth. They know Joe is going let them blow in the wind.

The US caused it. Right. Because we all know the US created the 9 dashed line.