Thursday, November 5, 2020

Colombian Drug Cartels Are Developing New Narco Submarines

Members of the US Coast Guard managed to intercept this narco sub in September 2016 

 * Colombian drug cartels employ engineers to develop new narco submarines 
 * Most of the vessels sit incredibly low in the water to avoid detection by radar 
 * One cartel has employed Russian engineers to develop a fully submersible sub 
 * US Coast Guard cutters have intercepted several of the illicit drug submarines 

No surfer ever had a wilder ride. A member of the U.S. Coast Guard, in full combat gear, is hammering furiously on the hatch of a semi-submerged small submarine, clinging desperately to its stubby conning tower as it surges at top speed through the Pacific off the coast of Colombia. 

The brave American seaman has already risked his life jumping on to the sub from a high-speed pursuit boat. One slip could be fatal as waves crash over the the fibreglass deck of the violently pitching vessel. Its crew, peering furtively through the narrow cabin windows, have ignored demands to stop and, given the preciousness of their cargo, are making a run for it. However, with boats shadowing them on either side, they clearly realize that resistance is futile. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Narco subs are nothing new. But what I find news worthy in the above p[ost is that Europe is on the course of surpassing the U.S. as the number one consumer of cocaine.


Anonymous said...

"First of all: France is a Muslim country."

- Etienne De Gonneville French Ambassador to Sweden, Coward, And Soy Boy

(i.e. a liberal's liberal)

kidd said...

i rather be in love with the coco nut