Thursday, November 12, 2020

Covid-19 Coronavirus Pandemic News Updates In The U.S. -- November 13, 2020

Infections across the country hit a record high of 144,133 cases on Wednesday. New cases have continued to soar to all-time highs of more than 120,000 per day over the past week
The US death toll spiked to 1,893 on Wednesday, which is the highest number of fatalities since May 8 during the initial peak of the outbreak. The average number of deaths, which are a lagging indicator and can potentially rise weeks after infections, are still down from the peak 2,000 fatalities recorded per day in the spring 

 * The US COVID-19 death toll spiked to 1,893 on Wednesday, which is the highest number of fatalities since May 8 during the initial peak of the outbreak 
 * New infections across the country hit a record high of 144,133 cases and hospitalizations spiked to a single-day high of more 65,000 patients 
 * While new cases and hospitalizations have been surging since October, the number of Americans dying per day has not been rising at the same rates 
 * It puts the seven-day rolling average of fatalities back over 1,000 per day - a figure not seen since August. The average death toll had hit lows of 600 last month before gradually increasing 
 * Deaths, which are a lagging indicator and can potentially rise weeks after infections, are still down from the peak 2,000 fatalities recorded per day in the spring 
 * Cases per day are currently on the rise in 49 states and deaths per day are climbing in 39 
 * Midwestern states, including North Dakota, South Dakota and Wisconsin, are currently seeing a surge in fatalities - weeks after cases and hospitalizations started to spike in those regions 
 * The increases came as Joe Biden's new COVID advisor, Dr Michael Osterholm, said the US should go into a total national lockdown for six weeks to avoid 'virus hell' 
 * Despite Osterholm's calls for a national lockdown, the latest Gallup polling shows that less than half of Americans say they will likely comply 
 * Dr Anthony Fauci, however, has insisted a lockdown doesn't need to happen if Americans keep wearing masks and washing their hands 

The United States has just recorded the highest number of daily COVID-19 deaths in six months - as infections and hospitalizations continue to spike to record highs across the country. 

The death toll spiked to 1,893 on Wednesday, which is the highest number of fatalities since May 8 during the initial peak of the outbreak. 

It puts the seven-day rolling average of fatalities back over 1,000 per day - a figure not seen since August. 

The average death toll had hit lows of 600 last month before gradually increasing. 

Meanwhile, infections across the country hit a record high for the second consecutive day with 144,133 cases on Wednesday. 

New cases have continued to soar to all-time highs of more than 120,000 per day over the past week. 

The number of hospitalizations across the US also continues to spike to single-day highs with more than 65,000 patients currently being treated. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The more this continues, the more it becomes lightly that once Joe Biden is in the White House, there will be a national mandated lock-down.


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Anonymous said...

WNU Editor: The more this continues, the more it becomes lightly that once Joe Biden is in the White House, there will be a national mandated lock-down.

Take out the weekend reporting lulls and smooth out the group. What do you have. The number of old people who die in a day or a week for the past decade or two. Plus throw in the cancer deaths of unfortunate people under retirement age.

People will have agendas,, but in some college classrooms there will be proofs teaching statistics, data mining or similar course that will have data sets that will show students what went on without professors having to say a thing or in anyway guide anyone.

Two people died yesterday. A person in the 60s and a person in their 90s. the younger person did not live in a long term care facility (LTC). But this time the news readers helpfully added that said person has comorbidiities.

60s is a broad range , It could mean 60, a person dying way too young to 69, a person dying at the median 74. If you have comorbidites, a person might think of course you did nit reach 74 or beyond.

So 60's and 90's. That is typical of what I hear my region every day. Actually 60's not so much. IT is more 70's, 80's and 90's and LTC/nursing home.

You do not shut down a nation for that unless you are stupid or a totalitarian. We have a lot of totalitarians in the US. Whitmer is no better than Lukashenko. None. I bet she is worse. If given a chance she will outdo Lukashenko and make him look like a saint.

County health department will publish run charts, bar charts and pie charts by sex and race. They will publish bar charts of case rates or cases by broad age categories.

They do not and will not publish deaths or death rates by age groups. And you cannot look at (pull data sets) anonymized data by yourself.


I use to tree a terrier with a strong instinct to hunt rats by indicating there was a -phantom rate in the tree. It would jump onto a sitting bench next to the tree, then jump on the tree crotch and run out along a branch until it became too thin.

The dog would stop look worried and wait until I reach up and took it down. It was mean fun.

I didn't feel too bad. The dog would hear rats as we walked down the street and disappear down storm drains in the curb only to reappear down the block.

Still that bit of meanness is an analogy. It is was American politicians are doing to the American people today. The virus is real. It does kill. It has killed aobut 10.,,0000 people by itself. The rest has only been assists

In association football, an assist is a contribution by a player which helps to score a goal.

The assist mean the person was likely to die anyway soon. A person in a nursing home last 5 months on average.

At worst, the very worst, the corona virus could only drop the media age of death for males from approximately 74 to 73.5 and form 79 to 78.5 for females.

That is it 2 or 3 years form now it will be so crystal clear that all the new media, the enemedia, and other misanthropes will say is "Move On" that is water under the bridge.

Anonymous said...

“68% of Americans think elections are rigged.” Vox post on July 14, 2014

“That’s because they are.” - Klain

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2014
and trump got into fixed election?
fucking moron

Anonymous said...

"You do not shut down a nation for that unless you are stupid or a totalitarian. We have a lot of totalitarians in the US. Whitmer is no better than Lukashenko. None. I bet she is worse. If given a chance she will outdo Lukashenko and make him look like a saint. "

"The state Supreme Court ruled Tony Evers overstepped his authority when he" unilaterally extended the lockdown order for another month without the legislature.

Evers, like other tyrants of yesteryear was angry that GOP legislators convinced the Supreme Court to toss out his authoritarian lockdown order."

Another day another Democrat waiting for the day when the US will be more like the USSR.

Anonymous said...

July 14, 2014
and trump got into fixed election?
fucking moron

What is the point of publicizing the comment by Biden's Chief of Biden's Staff?

The comment was to point out the truth of the American political system or what Klain thinks it is.

8:40 tell us truthfully. Fact is that you live next to a dog kennel so you can clean the floor with your tongue.

Anonymous said...

More than 130 Secret Service officers who help protect the White House and the president when he travels have recently been ordered to isolate or quarantine because they tested positive for the coronavirus or had close contact with infected co-workers, according to three people familiar with agency staffing.

Anonymous said...

Parrot or Seagull spotted at ~ 11 AM on a bombing run.

More than 130 Secret Service officers are said to be infected with coronavirus or quarantining in wake of Trump’s campaign travel

Dropped a full load.

It is a respiratory virus more than 1/2 the population will be exposed (get it). It is the nature of biology / ecology. Maybe you possibly might know this, if you had paid attention in high school, which you said you did not.

What did you say? I remember. You said you read below grade level. You eventually got a tutor and started reading at grade level, but some many course were just water under the bridge by then.

You wasted what? 10 or 11 years of education by then? Little wonder that you are our precious, who knows oh so little.

Sickeningly stupid person has no idea, no estimate of how many people get exposed to a respiratory viruses every year. None.

The president cannot stay home an look up porn all day like someone we know.

The president cannot let the Democrat Party install a literally demented man in the office of president. So he has to get out and campaign.