Sunday, November 1, 2020

Democrat's Top Pollster Is Hedging His Bets That Biden Will Win The US Presidential Election

Zero Hedge: Nate Silver Hedges On Biden Win After Trump Draws Megacrowds In Pennsylvania

Last week, pollster Nate Silver was so confident in a Biden win that he suggested the only way Trump is reelected would be through a 'major polling error' or cheating. 

This weekend, however, Silver shoehorned a giant caveat into weeks of confidently proclaiming a Biden win: Pennsylvania. 

"Pennsylvania has not bumped up to a 7- or 8-point Biden lead like we see in Michigan and Wisconsin. It's 5 points," Silver told ABC's "This Week" (sporting a new 'battle beard') adding that if Trump were to win, "it would come down to Pennsylvania." 

Silver then sets the expectation for an unfair vote, saying "Among the votes that were sent in by mail, there are some provisions about a naked ballot, a security envelope. That could make things more complicated. You could have the courts involved. You have some protests, looting in Philadelphia. There's lots of stuff going on." 

And then, Silver says that if Biden doesn't win PA, he'll become the underdog. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The graph above is why pollster Nate Silver is hedging his bets because of Pennsylvania. And he has cause. President Trump's rallies in Pennsylvania today were massive (see below).

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These pollsters are crooks who work for the DNC, especially Nate Silver. For months(!!!) he has engaged in election interference by suppressing Republican voters. How? His voice matters a lot to many people, and he kept parenting the party line of telling potential voters that a vote for Trump is pretty much thrown away because there's no way Trump can win. Same thing he did in 2016.

This time, to stay relevant and be a good tool for the DNC in the future, he quickly hedges his bets 24hrs ahead of outcome, when it couldn't be clearer unless you're an idiot, that Trump will win in a massive electoral college slide, DESPITE pollsters like Nate Silver actively suppressing Republicans, DESPITE the entire left wing media apparatus force feeding LIES about Russia collusion for years and having the audacity to give each other Pulitzer prices for "in depth reporting", DESPITE the lies of painting Trump as racist, DESPITE active suppression by tech giants of the very damaging and real Biden corruption story.

There will be a reckoning for this. The people have had it.

And once Trump is reelected, there will be a price to pay for years of deception, propaganda and spitting in the faces of voters.