Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Do Not Expect A Return To 'Normalcy' Under President Biden

Glenn Harlan Reynolds, USA Today: Sorry, there will be no return to normalcy under Joe Biden 

Biden becoming president will not make COVID-19 disappear and return the country back to normal. Just vote for whatever form of abnormal you prefer. 

As the presidential campaign enters its final phase, one of the messages of the Biden campaign is that putting him, a 47-year veteran of national politics, into the White House will return us to something approaching normal. 

With Biden in charge, all the Trump craziness will expire, and things will be safe, sane and familiar. In fact, there’s no chance of this happening.

If Biden wins, things won’t go back to “normal.” You probably won’t even hear less from Donald Trump. And in a lot of areas, like foreign policy, it turns out the establishment’s version of normal wasn’t all that normal anyway. 

Many of my lefty friends want Biden to win not so much over policy as because they have a visceral reaction to President Donald Trump. They hate the sight of his face, the sound of his voice, even the mention of his name. Electing Biden, they expect, will sweep Trump off the national stage. 

But will it?

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: The above commentary was written before election day, but it is still appropriate today. Bottom line. The pandemic. The economic crisis. Tensions around the world. They are not going to disappear any time soon. In the coming days I will be doing a few posts with my analysis on what to expect under a Biden administration.


Andrew Jackson said...

Ain't gonna be no Biden administration!

Bill said...

He's not my President and not the President of most of the people who love this country. Get ready and keep you powder dry

B.Poster said...

AJ: while it's not 100% certain, the odds of Trump pulling this out aren't good right now. I've always liked your optimism.��

Anonymous said...

You should know all about losing and sunrises. Seen a lot of them haven't you.

Jeffsmith said...

I miss the days of having posts about military news and weapons.☹️😒😕

War News Updates Editor said...

You are right. There is a lot happening around the world right now. I have been negligent in not focusing on that.

Anonymous said...

Biden will be gone in less than six months. Then we have the prospect of the Harris foreign policy getting us into a real war. You may ask what is that...who knows, she certainly doesn’t.

B.Poster said...

Anon (9:44)

Good point. Those people haven't a clue. In contrast, the Trump foreign policy hasn't gotten us in any new wars, was well ob the way to getting us out of Afghanistan before the overreaction to the pandemic, and facilitated the formalization of peace agreements between Israel and some of their Arab neighbors. I kind of like that foreign policy. Trump's team seems optimistic that they can pull this out. I pray they are right.

Anonymous said...

If these four years were your idea of normalcy, then any change for most of us will be welcome..not by chance an incumbent president got tossed out!