Thursday, November 12, 2020

Former President Obama Writes That Joe Biden Advised Against Osama bin Laden Raid

Joe Biden, left, sits alongside Barack Obama and national security advisers as they follow the mission against Osama bin Laden in the White House Situation Room on 1 May 2011. Photograph: Reuters 

The then vice-president suggested Obama wait before ordering the mission that killed the al-Qaida leader in 2011, new memoir says 

Joe Biden advised Barack Obama to wait to order the raid that killed Osama bin Laden, the former president writes in his new memoir. “Joe weighed in against the raid,” Obama writes in A Promised Land, about discussion of the Navy Seals mission, which he ordered to go ahead as intended in Abbottabad, Pakistan, on the night of 1-2 May 2011. 

Obama’s book will be published on Tuesday. Guardian US has seen a copy. Obama writes that his vice-president, who will follow him to the White House in January, immediately supported his decision to proceed with the Bin Laden raid. 

WNU Editor: This is old news. I am surprised that the former President wants to remind everyone this decision that Joe Biden made years ago. Former President Obama has also commented on the recent post-election debate .... 'It's a dangerous path': Obama says Trump 'never admits loss' as he condemns Republicans who 'know better but are humoring him' on voter fraud claims in his first interview since the election (Daily Mail).


Anonymous said...

cheap shot

Anonymous said...

“68% of Americans think elections are rigged.” Vox post on July 14, 2014

“That’s because they are.” - Klain

Anonymous said...

Cheap shot and Classy American president Obama took it.

Anonymous said...

Bush did also

Anonymous said...

Bush has been quiet.

Bush did not take a cheap shot at Cheney.

Obama took a cheap shot at Biden.

I like you 8:51. You're the type of guy that gets TKO'D in the 1st round.

Anonymous said...

Biden against: he worried about civilians being killed. He has great emotional intelligence. Obama did NOT fire him because he did not fully support the move. Contrast and compare