Monday, November 2, 2020

French Airstrikes In Mali Kill Dozens Of Jihadists Linked To Al Qaeda

Malian and French soldiers on patrol in Mali, where France has been aiding counter-insurgency efforts. (Reuters) 

The French government said Monday its forces had killed more than 50 jihadists aligned to Al-Qaeda in air strikes in central Mali. 

The offensive took place on Friday in an area near the borders of Burkina Faso and Niger, where government troops are struggling to rout an Islamic insurgency, French Defence Minister Florence Parly said after meeting members of Mali’s transitional government. 

“On October 30 in Mali, the Barkhane force conducted an operation that neutralised more than 50 jihadists and confiscated arms and material,” Parly said, referring to the French-led anti-jihadist Operation Barkhane. She added that around 30 motorcycles were destroyed. 

WNU Editor: This is France's forever war. 


Anonymous said...

It is everyone's forever war. It has been going on for 1,400 years.

How is it France's Forever War, but not Mali's Forever War?

fazman said...

Because for mali its a way of life, for France it is a war of attrition and will.