Sunday, November 1, 2020

Georgia’s Ruling Party Claims Victory In Parliamentary Elections

A coalition of opposition groups united to try and oust the ruling Georgian Dream party, led by a billionaire. 

hey have rejected his party's claim to have won the election. The preliminary results of Georgia's parliamentary election were contested by an alliance of opposition groups on Sunday. 

With votes from more than 92% of precincts counted, the ruling Georgian Dream party had won 48% of the vote, against 45.5% for opposition parties. The proportional ballot decides 120 of the 150 seats in the legislature. 

Many other opposition parties cleared the 1% threshold for representation in the parliament, according to the central election commission. 

The ruling party — founded by Georgia's richest man, Bidzina Ivanishvili — declared victory soon after polls closed. However, opposition parties have rejected the results and called for protests. 

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Georgia’s Ruling Party Claims Victory In Parliamentary Elections

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