Wednesday, November 11, 2020

Hong Kong's Entire Opposition Quits After 4 Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Expelled


All of Hong Kong's remaining pro-democracy opposition politicians say they will resign in protest against the dismissal of four of their colleagues from the city's Legislative Council. 

The move follows Beijing giving the local Government new powers to further curb dissent. 

"Today we will resign from our positions because our partners, our colleagues have been disqualified by the central Government's ruthless move," Wu Chi-wai, convener of the pro-democracy camp, said at a news conference on Wednesday. 

WNU Editor: This makes it official. Hong Kong can no longer be viewed as a "one country - two systems" territory. 

 More News On Hong Kong's Entire Opposition Quiting After 4 Pro-Democracy Lawmakers Are Expelled 


Anonymous said...

One country 2 systems does work.

Look at America. One rule thee and another for me.

"RNC Chair Ronna McDaniel Says She Has 500 Sworn Affidavits on 11,000 Incidents of Voter Fraud"

It occurred to me that if you were at a receiving dock inspecting material from a supplier, you might use something like a Dodge-Romig sampling, Plan. If you get bad supplies, you tighten the inspections. That is you inspect more often. In reality what often happens you do 100% of inspections of all incoming material until the cause of the defective supplies is found.

Lets call a spade a spade.

Senator Romney and people like him are no good mother fuckers. The best thing that could happen to the American people is if god forbid there is a Biden occupation that Romney joins it. I doubt he;d ever be elected to office as a Republican again.

He wouldn't care as he has a lot of money and an established cocktail circuit.

People are treating elections like they treat illegal border crossings and visa overstays (40% of the problem). There are no lines in the sand which causes them to act or be alarmed. When occasionally they give lip service to the problem they are slow to act and give up easily. See that wall under George Bush and Obama.

What percentage of vote stealing or dilution is okay? Can you measure it? If you can;t measure it, then you can't say it is okay. Anecdotal evidence by media is not statistical sound. Media might say it is okay, but have they done a survey. Do they sample. Do they know?

Hell no, the do not not know!

They do not put resource or processes in place to count how many dead people voted. How many mentally handicapped had people vote for them.. How many seniors in nursing homes voted. How many people arrive to the polling station to find out to their surprise that they already voted.

Such a corrupt country is not worth dying for. If you join the military just consider yourself a merc. Politicians might say they love you, but they say similar things during election season.

Mercs have been known to buy and sell Republics. Just saying.

The number of dead, seniors in LTC and other votes is greater than the vote difference between candidates.

Just because a judge does not want to rule does not mean it did not happen.


I was not prepared for a conversation I had at Thanksgiving dinner today with my brother-in-law, Henry, who has lived most of his life in a home for the mentally disabled, and though now in his forties has the intelligence level of a six-year-old.

“Obama saved me,” he said to me out of the blue.

“What do you mean?”

“I voted for him for president and now he’s saving me.”

I was taken aback by these words, since Henry had no idea who Obama was, or what a president might be, and would be unable to fill out a registration form let alone get to the polling place by himself. So I asked him how he knew that and how he had registered and cast his vote. In halting, impeded speech he told me that the people who take care of him at the home filled out “the papers” to register him to vote, told him how Obama cared for him, even taught him the Obama chants, and then took him to the polling place to vote. They did the same for all of the mentally disabled patients in their care, approximately sixty in all.

Anonymous said...

Great news. Getting rid of all the troublemakers.

Anonymous said...

Good riddance, a bunch of garbage.