* Iran has started pumping nuclear fuel into banned centrifuges at Natanz
* Trump was talked out of a bombardment of that facility last week, reports said
* US President was reacting to news that banned machines were being used
* Today new report shows that nuclear fuel is now being pumped into centrifuges
* The flaunting breach of the Obama-era nuclear pact could inflame tensions
Iran has fired up advanced uranium centrifuges installed at its underground Natanz site a day after it emerged Donald Trump asked for options on attacking the facility.
Tehran is pumping nuclear fuel into high-tech IR-2m machines at Natanz, in contravention of an international deal to only use first generation IR-1 machines, a UN report revealed today.
Trump held an Oval Office meeting last week where he was 'talked out of' launching strikes on Iran after a previous UN report showed a massive increase in nuclear stockpiles in breach of the Obama-era pact which Trump abandoned in 2018.
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More News On The UN Saying Iran Has Been Operating Nuclear Centrifuges At Its Underground Facility At Natanz
Iran admits breach of nuclear deal discovered by UN inspectorate -- The Guardian
UN report showed a massive increase in nuclear stockpiles in breach of the Obama-era pact which Trump abandoned in 2018.
The excrement sandwich press getting their doings, indignation and lies in.
The people who should be pummeled by anyone as soon as they are seen wants to lie and establish cause and effect as:
Trump abandoned treaty and then Iran broke the limits.
That is a lie.
Iran was planning on breaking the treaty while signing it and broke it before the ink was dry and Obiden left office.
It was pointed out that the IAEA did not and could not inspect military sites.
Iran rejects U.S. demand for U.N. visit to military sites - Reuters
Obama says inspectors get access to "any" site in Iran. Is it true? - CBS
The rat bastard a.k.a. Obama also said "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor."
Iran blocks IAEA inspectors at military site
UN nuclear watchdog not given access to Parchin complex, where there are "strong indicators of weapon development."
Obama = Rat Bastard
It wasn't just the military sites. Remember this story?
People seem to forget their brazen deceit...
Ever since the bitching started that Iran was using centrifuges to enrich feedstocks from baseline to 20% to achieve nuclear medicine rates, the howling that this constitutes realistic threat based on 95% weaponization enrichment has been incessant. The technology does not overlap.
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