Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Is Arizona In Play?

WNU Editor: 900,000 votes in play?!?!? Joe Biden currently leads President Trump in Arizona by 100,000 votes. According to the Governor .... About half are Maricopa. W/ every update, they say it's breaking significantly toward Trump 2-1. Maricopa voted President Trump in 2016. Last night Biden won the country.  

Update: Oh Oh. Only GOP precincts?
Update #2: This looks like it is going to the courts.


B.Poster said...

The Fox News Decision Desk seemed to be quick on the draw to "call it" when Biden was leading but seemed very circumspect when Trump was leading. This doesn't in and of itself mean bias but the optics didn't look good.

I thought they might be jumping the gun on this one. Team Trump as well as the governor's office were urging caution. While it doesn't always hold true, I've learned where abd when there's a dispute between team Trump and the media as the starting point, go with team Trump. It'll yield the right answer the vast majority of the time.

Anonymous said...

Sharpies huh? Wow, you guys are desperate.

Anonymous said...

The numbers are apparently estimates. Wait for certification before crying fraud.

Wisconsin has never had a statewide system for reporting unofficial results on Election Night, and there is no central official website where results will be reported, Wolfe said.  “Most of the unofficial results the public sees on Election Night and in the following days come from the Associated Press newswire service.”  For many decades, the AP has collected unofficial results from county clerks’ offices and distributed totals to its member newspapers and radio and TV stations.  In recent years, other news organizations have also begun collecting and reporting unofficial Wisconsin results.  Election night declarations of victory are based on predictions and incomplete results.  Winners are not official until the results are certified, which by Wisconsin state law happens on December 1.