Wednesday, November 4, 2020

Joe Biden Says He Will Win The Election. President Trump Says He Has Won In Pennsylvania, Georgia, North Carolina

WNU Editor: I figured that after Joe Biden gave his speech an hour ago saying that they will win (see below), President Trump would respond very quickly.



Anonymous said...

WIDESPREAD BALLOT DUMPING... that no one besides his lying mouth has reported. Bwahahahahaha!

Pike Hence said...

The betting money is NOT on will Trump lose but will he stand up in public for tv and concede he has lost. what thinkest thou?

Anonymous said...

That you're a liar.

B.Poster said...

His team will need to provide evidence to back up the claim. I thibk such evidence exists otherwise he'd have lost all support from the GOP. It'll be ultimately hashed out in court. The evidence will need to be "extraordinary" for the court to hear it. I'm pretty sure he's consulted his election attorneys before making such claims.

If after all irregularities are accounted for and properly investigated, if he's still trailing, he will concede. If the situation was reversed, I'm pretty sure the Democrats would be talking the same approach as team Trump is.

RussInSoCal said...

CNN just pulled Arizona from the Biden column.



B.Poster said...


Something seemed incredibly fishy for lack of a better metaphor when Fox called AZ so quickly last night in spite of protests from team Trump. While the election desks do not act based upon anything team Trump says, I have learned when there is a dispute between Trump and someone in the media or the government go with Trump. It's going to yield the right answer more often than not. If it really wasn't a close race or if Trump really did not have a good chance, they would not have protested.

While we can't always "know" for certain, were the roles reversed in this election situation, team Biden would be doing exactly what team Trump is doing right now, team Biden would have done what team Trump did last night, and team Trump would have done what team Biden did last night.

I do think there is one key difference though. Whereas Trump is generally being vilified in the media and any support he is getting on the Republican leadership is muted at best, Biden in a similar situation would be being actively encouraged by the media and Democrat party leaders would be actively encouraging him as well.

Team Trump rightly pointed out that we did not know how to do mail in ballots on a mass scale. Rather than take the time or make the effort to address this issue and figure out how to do it they attacked Trump!!

RussInSoCal said...


The problem with Fox News and their polls is a smarmy Democrat operative named Arnon Mishkin who they put in charge of their "decision desk".

B.Poster said...


I didn't know who he was but I suspected the decision desk was operated by Democrats. I noticed a pattern. When things started looking good for the Democrats in a state, they would quickly call it. In contrast, things are looking good for Republicans, they would come up with any number of reasons to delay calling it.

Not calling a race that is for all practical purposes over, creates a major problem in my considered opinion. While it remains "open," ballot harvesting and other shenanigans are able to go on pretty much unabated. While calling the race might not necessarily stop it, calling the race creates certain optics that make these things more problematic. This is why I think these races are being left "open." The fraudsters in places like Fulton County and the Atlanta area are hard at work.

While Trump will fight this, I'm concerned as to whether or not the Republican leadership has the stomach for such a fight. While Trump is very, very rich and his resources are vast, I don't think he can take this on by himself. Additionally, the evidence is going to need to be extraordinary for the courts to even give a case of this type any time. Does the evidence rise to such a level? I think it does and Republican leaders know this. Otherwise they would have been actively calling on Trump to concede already. While support among Republican leadership is tepid here, the criticism is relatively mild as well. In the past, the Republican leadership has never been shy about criticizing Trump in public with everything they have without giving him the benefit of the doubt. The fact that they really aren't doing this right now suggests the evidence for Trump's claims is strong and they know it. Hopefully they will have the intestinal fortitude to stick with it.

Anonymous said...

it is not yet over.

Anonymous said...

Another comment desperately searching for coherence.

Anonymous said...

what to look for: if Biden wins (almost sure bet), Will Trump[ be man enough to concede? tired of winning?