Thursday, November 12, 2020

Joe Biden's Covid-19 Chief Will Recommend Shutting Down The U.S. For Four To Six Weeks To Avoid 'Covid-19 Hell'


 * Dr. Michael Osterholm suggests the U.S. should go into a four- to six-week national lockdown to combat the spike in coronavirus cases 
 * He warns it is needed to stop the country entering 'Covid hell' during the next few months, which he says will be the 'darkest of the pandemic' 
 * Osterholm claims it is the best way to keep deaths and hospitalizations down as the country awaits a vaccine 
 * He also claims that the economy can still be revived before a vaccine is distributed, even if this lockdown is enforced 
 * The Biden advisor states that the U.S. could borrow the money to pay wages while businesses are forced to close 
 * Osterholm was announced as a member of Joe Biden's coronavirus task force by the transition team on Monday 

A coronavirus advisor to president elect Joe Biden believes that shutting down businesses nationally for between four to six weeks could help the United States from entering 'Covid hell'. 

Dr. Michael Osterholm said Wednesday that a national lockdown may be the best way to keep hospitalizations and deaths down across the country until a vaccine can be distributed. 

Osterholm, the director of the Center for Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, claims that the country's economy will not suffer as a result, if enough money is borrowed to pay wages during the shutdowns. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: Aa this blog predicted a few days ago.


RussInSoCal said...

An Authoritarian playground. It doesn't surprise me that Biden has picked such autocratic monsters. Who share the idea that sinking several more trillions into debt and shutting people inside and preventing them from earning and living will save them from "Covid Hell". Quite the opposite.

And all the moronic elation from the Trump loss deflates like wet fart.

I will not comply with a lock-down. Millions will not. Americans will revolt.



fazman said...

Ot worked in Australia

Anonymous said...


Australia is more like New Zealand than a continent. You are much closer in population to New Zealand than the US. New Zealand's population density is much closer to the US's density than Australia is.

You illegals mostly get put on an island off the NW coast of Australia,. The illegals in the US's are given a court appearance date.

The US has no control over its borders. Australia does.

I lived through a meningitis epidemic. Thousand of children died. We lined up for shots every few months, several times, for shots for different strains. When I discussed this over the family table the other day it was pointed out that it hit rich and poor alike. The rich (Latin America) had to have their domestic servants from the shanty towns. So the rich children died too. Now the actual number of children dying in the city over a year form meningitis was small. It was only 4,000 in one year. Were they able to get an accurate count of children dying in the shanty towns?

The US is more and more like Latin America. a few years ago someone moved form the southwest to the Midwest. They told us their neighborhood did not have sidewalks, curbs or paved roads. It looked more like Mexico than the rest of the US. The Chamber of Commerce, RINO's and Democrats are intent not on Latin America looking like the US, but the US looking like Latin America. They need their cheap labor.

WW1 was a terrible thing when in the aftermath domestic servitude fell out of favor and became too expensive through out the Western World. It is got to be brought back.

So we have uncontrolled immigration.

Australia looks nothing like the US.

Anonymous said...

"Dr. Michael Osterholm suggests the U.S. should go into a four- to six-week national lockdown to combat the spike in coronavirus cases "

Is that a promise? The drug company already slowed the process by putting the test samples in ice in late October delaying results a week or two.

They could slow walk it some more.

We've seen this movie before. Last spring it was a a 2 or 3 week lockdown that dragged on 2 or 3 months or never stopped in certain totalitarian, I mean blue, areas. So 4 to 6 weeks could really mean 4 to 6 months.

Maybe farmers won't be considered necessary workers this time around.

Anonymous said...

4 to 6 weeks of lockdown hell to prevent virus hell. Glad I live in the wide open desert.

B.Poster said...

The virus is a problem. The lockdowns we've already had are hell. Doing it again will be an even worse "hell."

Anonymous said...

4-6 week lockdown, and Hillary Clinton will be the only person allowed to deliver news to the country.