* Putin, 68, coughed repeatedly while speaking to top officials on Wednesday
* Footage of the televised meeting was later edited to downplay the coughing fit
* The Kremlin insisted last night that Putin's health was 'absolutely normal'
The Kremlin was forced to deny that Vladimir Putin had health problems on Wednesday after he suffered a coughing fit during a televised meeting.
The Russian president, 68, struggled to finish his sentence while speaking to top officials about 'acute financial problems' caused by Covid-19.
The video was later edited so that Putin's coughing fit seemed less severe in a version posted by his office.
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WNU Editor: He looks OK. But if this continues the questions are only going to intensify.
1 comment:
Some AI can now analyse if you've got covid by the way you cough. And off to the concentration camp, I mean medical field hospital, you go.
Soon the AI will be so reliable, it can tell if you have the Wuhan virus if you say something politically undesired.
Indeed a powerful tool to control and silence and strike terror into the heart of populations.
And still no talk about China. As if there's a global radio silence/ media blackout about the origin of this virus, the nature of it, the amplification of the impact by misleading information coming from both, the WHO and China. A concerted effort to stay silent by all the victims.
Get ready, is my advice.
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