Tuesday, November 10, 2020

President-elect Joe Biden Speaks On The Affordable Care Act


WNU Editor: I for one would be surprised if the Supreme court rules against the Affordable Care Act. But what I found interesting about this press event is that five questions were permitted to be asked, and he answered them. They were softball questions, and he rambled on. But at least he was not yelling.


Jordan said...

He is not President-elect, yet. Go to non mainstream sources, and he has not won the 270, officially. Main stream sources are extremely biased. That should be widely known by now.

B.Poster said...

If the race were this close with the Republican in the lead, in other words if the roles were reversed, the Democrat would not be conceding and the media would be condemning the Republican if he tried to act as president elect before the counting or the legal challenges had been completed. Also, while Republican support for Trump is tepid at best in this the support for a Democrat would be full on by the Democrat leadership.