Thursday, November 19, 2020

President Trump's Lawyers Present Evidence There Was Widespread Voter Fraud In The 2020 US Presidential Election


Well that escalated quickly. 

In a length and detailed press briefing, the Trump campaign legal team detailed allegations and evidence surrounding claims widespread election fraud responsible for stealing hundreds of thousands of votes from Donald Trump. 

As Sharyl Attkisson reports, Sidney Powell and Rudy Giuliani alleged the evidence shows Trump was elected in a "landslide." "This is real. It is not made up. There is nobody here that is engaged in fantasies...I can prove to you that he won Pennsylvania by 150,000 votes...The people who did this have committed one of the worst crimes that I've ever seen or heard." - Rudy Giuliani 

Among other matters, they discussed sworn affidavits filed in court. During the presser, Giuliani also said there is a pattern in the voting data that suggests “a plan from a centralized place” to commit voter fraud in Democrat-run cities. 

Giuliani also said the Trump campaign will likely bring a lawsuit to Arizona. 

WNU Editor: The main stream media is not buying these claims .... 'Did you all watch My Cousin Vinny?' Sweating Rudy Giuliani presents 'evidence' for 'massive voting fraud' as hair dye runs down his face - alongside 'elite legal strike force' who claim Joe Biden's win is a Venezuelan plot they uncovered on the internet (Daily Mail). The Biden team are also ridiculing these claims .... Biden team belittles ‘spectacle’ of sweaty Trump lawyer Rudy Giuliani pushing vote fraud conspiracy claims (CNBC) . Not surprisingly. The media and the Biden team are not addressing the claims, the evidence that is being presented, nor showing any interest to even investigate what was presented.

As to what is my take. 

Here are some of my observations and points on where we are today, and where we are going.

1) The company that is at the center of all of these voter fraud allegations is based in Canada .... Toronto company finds itself at the centre of Trump's unfounded vote fraud allegations (CBC).

Who are these people? Why are they based in Toronto when they are not even involved in Canadian elections? Why do they have so much clout in counting votes in US elections, especially since their senior officials are Democrat supporters? Are reports on how their machines can be hacked and/or manipulated to give different results true? And why the lack of media interest to follow up on these company? I just learned this afternoon that with the exception of Rebel News (see video below) no one in the media (both US and Canada) have even bothered to show and ask some hard questions. So much for reporters and journalists being reporters and journalists.


2) There is still no explanation on why officials decided to suspend counting votes in places like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Arizona, Wisconsin, and Georgia. 

3) I am hearing more and more horror stories like this one in Georgia .... Georgia Republican Poll Watcher Discovered Recount Error Off By More Than 9,000 Votes For Biden (The Fedralist). But what troubles me even more is that Republican scrutineers are limited to one person for ten tables, and they must view from a distance?!?!?!? I have participated in Canadian elections. In our elections every table must have a scrutineer from all the major political parties. 

4) I for one would still like to know how Biden was able to out-vote Trump by 12:1 in mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania, and 8:1 in mail-in ballots in Georgia. And no. Just because Trump said mail-in ballots are not secure and Democrats saying everyone should vote by mail would make that much of a difference. People are people. We do what is convenient for us, not what is convenient for out political leaders. 

On a side note. In the Canadian province of British Colombia mail-in voting was permitted. The results closely mirrored the results of people voting in person .... B.C. election results: Two ridings flip to NDP as officials start counting 660,000 mail-in ballots (Vancouver Sun). There was no massive difference between those who voted in person, and those who voted by mail. This is what I expect. But a 900,000 vote swing in Pennsylvania, with almost all of these votes coming from Philadelphia and Pittsburg via mail-in ballots. Something is not right. 

5) Here is an example on why giving mail-in ballots without restrictions should be avoided. That only those who request a mail-in ballot with a valid reason be able to get one. The main stream media is ignoring this story, but what is happening in New York state has become a disaster .... 'It's embarrassing': Why New York is still waiting for full election results (CNN). Imagine if New York was a swing state? 

On a side note. The results of New York's mail-in ballots are closely aligned with those who showed up to vote in person. In some cases. Republican candidates actually gained some votes. So what happened in Wisconsin, Pennsylvania, and Georgia? Why the massive difference between mail-in and people showing up to vote in these states, but not in New York state?

6) For a Presidential incumbent who lost, he had a lot of coat-tails .... Republicans won all 27 House races listed as 'toss-ups' — and then some (Washington Examiner). When was the last time that happened? 

7) President Trump's legal efforts are failing. 

8) In closing. What was presented today by President Trump's lawyers is going to take a long time to investigate, document, and to litigate. They are not going to change the outcome of this election. But attorneys like Lin Wood and Sidney Powell give me confidence that they if anyone can make a case that there was widespread fraud in this election, it will be them. 

As to who will be in the White House in two months?

Joe Biden will be President on Inauguration Day (January 20, 2021). 

But if efforts by Lin Wood and Sidney Powell are successful in presenting to the American people their case on election fraud, you can take this to the bank. The cloud that will exist over the Biden Presidency will be 100X worse than the allegations of Trump colluding with the Russians were made during his Presidency.


Anonymous said...

If Joe Biden is president, the USA will cease to exist. It will still be called the USA, but it won't be the USA. It won't be the USA anymore than the Easter Han was the same as the Western Han.

Biden won't be president for long. Nancy Pelosi, Kamala, and the puppeteers with 25th amendment him out.

I remember that someone was going to do a simple analysis of the vote count to prove to himself his suspicions. No word on that. I suppose that taxes and talking to the accountant came 1st, as it should. You have to set you own house in order before doing anything else. Still would like to see that analysis of the vote next week or the week thereafter, if said person has time.

My take away from this election is that state judges are corrupt and federal judges are cowards. We all know what happened in the counting centers when they kicked Republicans out. Making it mandatory that we know what happened with 100% certitude is an evil, cowardly way to rule. The preponderance of evidence is enough. It could be sent to the state legislatures for those states and they could vote. It would still be the rule of the people. Ut has been done 3 times before (TJ & I forget the other 2). This time however, if it were done there would be Democrat paid for Antifa/BLM riots.

So if we give in there won't be riots. Only there will, but not right away. There will be riots like clockwork 3 or 4 years from now.

War News Updates Editor said...

I will present my complete findings this weekend on my analysis on the vote count.

But I can tell you about the state of Michigan. I did not find any significant anomalies when comparing the votes for President, a senator, and representatives of Congress. The numbers were higher for 2020, but they did mirror percentage the results of 2016.

I did find a problem with two counties. Michigan's 12th, 13th and 14th. They voted heavily for the Democrats. Way too heavily.

Anonymous said...

WNU, good you're catching up.. but you must understand that if you quote Reuters and then come to the conclusion or quote that Trump's legal efforts are failing, you a) haven't looked into the legal case and why it was dropped and b) you still don't get the bigger picture and what's happening to media and the news establishment including Reuters and how deep the corruption and conspiracy - actual conspiracy - goes
We are talking felonies here for several people and the game has just started

Trump will remain in office 95% sure

Bobs a dopey commenter said...

You mean just like knuckle heads like yourself and others did the last 4 years.....your the pathetic loser in reality...the real reality. Have you ever heard of the 3 monkeys?

Anonymous said...

WNU, take some time off. You clearly need it.

Russ has a bunker you can go hang out in.

Anonymous said...

It's big mouth! He's still here, fantastic!

Anonymous said...

Do we know that Fred is actually clerky or that someone assumed Lapides's identity and say inane things?

Mike Feldhake said...

Not so sure how this plays out; I suspect Trump won’t concede, Biden gets in and we have 4 more years of useless investigations costing us 10x millions. Ugh, what a stinking mess. I also have not found the map that shows the swing in counties across the US. This is a good indicator of reality. If only a few Blue counties remained Blue but went big for Biden than the election was stolen. If trump, as I stated before, got 5-6% more minorities, then that should not happen.

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Thanks for sharing such a knowledgeable nice information to us.This is very helpful info. Keep up the good work.