Thursday, November 19, 2020

Progressives Demand Joe Biden Investigate The Trump Administration's Four Years In Office

Protesters gather to rally against President Trump's firing of FBI Director James Comey, outside the White House. REUTERS/Jonathan Ernst 

Biden needs a government-wide audit to find every ounce of Trump administration mismanagement and corruption. Unity hinges on transparency and trust. 

For four years, the institutions meant to safeguard our democracy have come under a relentless assault from within, leaving our government vulnerable to corruption. 

We have seen a systemic and successful effort by President Donald Trump and congressional Republicans to strip away these safeguards. 

Of the many challenges the incoming Biden administration must confront, the restoration of checks and balances is the most vital if we are to continue on as a united and functioning republic. 

Read more .... 

WNU Editor: These people want blood. That to unify the country they need to destroy the other side because they committed "wrongdoing, mismanagement, and corruption". The word treason is also now being used .... Do we dare call Donald Trump a treasonous president? (USA Today). But it gets worse. This Democrat wants "re-education" camps (see below). Here is an easy prediction. This is all not going to end well if the US continues down this road.


Anonymous said...

the Dems saying these things need one in the chest and one in the head

RussInSoCal said...

8:46 PM

Keep telling yourself that. Projection is a specialty with progressives. "Regurgitate our groupthink or we'll destroy you." Sounds pretty rigid to me.

If you think progressive Nazis aren't fantasizing about a one party state for the US, please think again.

"Civility"? Really? You mean all that "civility" we've been seeing in DC, Minneapolis, NYC, Denver, Seattle, Portland, Chicago, etc.

"Deprogramming 75 million people". Whether he's aware of it or not, this guy Atkins is a fascist. If you say fascistic things and advocate fascistic measures, you're a fascist.

All he needs is a red sash and a plastic bag. The historical trajectory of humankind has been tyranny and subjugation. Just read his tweets - he's full on board.

Biden will be the first true marionette president. He will be utterly absent from public view. He will personally direct NO policy which isn't first crafted by the progressive Nazis that will populate his Cabinet. His handlers have already surrounded him with Constitution-hating, gun-grabbing zealots.

So call out all us "loons" and laugh and mock away. I'll wave at you when you're marched into the box car.

Anonymous said...

OHH boy Russ! Better get yer' gun and go hide out in the bunker protectin' yer' precious bodily fluids!

What a sad dope.

However, please do opine on the "historical trajectory of humankind" while in the bunker.

Anonymous said...

I guess Hillary, Nancy, etal, are not Democrats. " Enemies of the state" has a nice ring to it don't you think?

RussInSoCal said...

9:40 PM

Actually I'd rather read a coherent argument to what I just wrote. Like a stab at proving a single point I made wrong.

Oh wait, you can't.

/enjoy the year zero.

RussInSoCal said...

(And I with smarmy anons would sack up just a little and post with a permanent nickname)

Kungflu said...

Typical stool pigeon article. As an American in the south, we laugh at this left wing propaganda. Who in the world is David Adkins? And why does anyone give a crap about his opinion? This clown wouldn’t last a week past Kentucky.

Kungflu said...

I have been on this blog daily for over 8 years. I never left a comment before from just this week. But this article as many show you should stick to politics in Canada and Russia. Your information spread is very one sided when it comes to truthful information here in America. War news is how I found this blog on a google search almost a decade ago. It has slowly turned into your political opinion and choice of untruthful bias news sources. Why don’t you post about election fraud here in the states? Post about the court records pending. First page of your blog today is a bunch of left week articles bashing trump. Where’s Biden? Where’s hunter?

Anonymous said...

FFS 8:46, but you are a lying sack of shite.

Contributor @monthly. Bylines @theprospect & elsewhere. Regional Director, CA Dems / Elected DNC Member. Dad of two. I run a qualitative research firm. He/him

"I'm David Atkins, and I'm running to be your next Democratic National Committee (DNC) member from California. I’m running because I believe the DNC must be more transparent and more democratic, and prioritize the values of grassroots Democrats instead of big donors and special interests."

David O. Atkins is a mainstream Democrat. He is a party official. Thirty to 67 percent of the military votes Republican. Does Atkins propose to put 30% of the military in re-education camps?

He either means it or he is gaslighting and antagonizing people. Now he is saying he didn't mean it "JK LOL".

I think he means it and like good little chimp he is counting numbers on each side and seeing that a not enough people are standing shoulder to shoulder with him although they sympathize, he is backing down, but still getting his digs in with non-apology apologies.

He has been saying stuff like this since 2014 and the local Democrat officials let is slide right on by.

David O. Atkins is the face of the Democrat party.

This time he made a big enough ass of himself that he is going to attract attention. Atkins is at least 33. This is not an oops.

My spouse has been in a re-education camp. It is what socialist/Leftists do.

Editorial: Old White People Should Die Says Ventura Democrat Chair
July 7, 2014

David Atkins 15 Greatest Hits (And Why We’re Calling On Him To Resign)

There was one more link. David Might be a bus driver. I remember 3 very good bus drivers in my life. David won't be #4. David is more of the Maduro type of bus driver.

Anonymous said...

Not working clerky.

Anonymous said...

lock, him up lock him up lock him up

Anonymous said...

8:35 (a.k.a or favorite drooler),

It would help, if you could use punctuation correctly like commas.