Sunday, November 1, 2020

Retired Taiwanese Army General Says The Country Lacks Weapons To Fight A War Against China

Soldiers drive their military vehicles past Taiwan flags during an army exercise in Hsinchu, central Taiwan January 27, 2010. REUTERS/Nicky Loh 

A retired Taiwanese army general claims the country's military would be undermanned and ill-equipped for a war with China, questioning in a recent interview: "Are they supposed to fight with brooms?" 

Former Republic of China Army Major General Hsiao Tien-liu cast doubt on Taiwan's combat readiness just one week after Minister of National Defense Yen De-fa said the island could mobilize roughly 450,000 troops in the event of a military invasion. 

At a committee meeting on October 22, Yen said President Tsai Ing-wen could deploy 185,000 active service members and call up some 260,000 reserves if People's Liberation Army forces crossed the Taiwan Strait. 

However, Hsiao, who was head of procurement at the defense ministry's Armaments Bureau, said it would be a "very difficult" task. 

WNU Editor: Taiwan cannot compete against China. All that it can do is discourage Beijing that the cost for invading Taiwan would be enormous (which it will be).

Update: The latest Taiwan military exercise revealed how the Army is camouflaging their military equipment in an urban environment .... Taiwan Disguises Armored Vehicles As Cranes And Scrapheaps During Urban Warfare Maneuvers (Warzone/The Drive).


Anonymous said...

China doesn't care
They didn't care about what the World thinks about their concentration camps
They didn't care that they killed millions with their virus

We are not dealing with regular humans. They have no God but the CCP. They pray at the altar of money and money alone

Anonymous said...

If we want to talk about a Taiwan invasion we just need to look at whats happening in Armenia. Alot of the international community are committed to the one China policy, likewise Armenia is seen as an occupier of another countries land. To even the use of drones and air superiority, the Armenia conflict is a Chinese proxy war to test the waters, to learn, to get some combat experience. How many countries are rushing to Armenias aid? non, hell even the Armenian government doesn't want to help Armenia and this is what will happen in Taiwan.

Anonymous said...

Id further speculate that recently a J15 and F16 engaged in a dogfight and the AIM-9X is unreliable, as in the pilots have trained for it to operate in a certain envelope which when fired in said envelope doesn't track. Resulting in a gun vs gun dogfight over skies, while two opposing naval task-forces watched on the seas below.

So yes, Taiwan doesn't have the weapons to combat China, because the J15 is highly capable of going toe to toe with the F16's of Taiwan and thats just their carrier based aircraft. Add in the J20's J16's, J10's and even the SU30/SU35 and Taiwan wont get the chance for gun kills.

Once they have the skies and the drones start flying in, there goes the ground defensive. And American hardware in terms of ground to air missiles are rather weak compared to Russian counterparts.

Anonymous said...

And China will not stop with Taiwan. They declared they want the world and they see blacks and caucasians as 3rd class citizens

First class is Han Chinese
Second class is rest of China
Then whites
Then Hispanics
Then other asians like Japanese
Then blacks

They're super racist
They forcefully sterilize other Chinese

Think of what they'll do to you

I think our generation will see WW3, not joking or being hyperbolic.

Andrew Jackson said...

LOL! So do it already Chicom scum! So called general was probably bribed!