Wednesday, November 4, 2020

So Much For The U.S. Election Polls . . . Again

Pollsters had predicted an average of a ten-point lead for Biden (pictured) heading into election day - a lead which largely evaporated as results rolled in 

 * Pre-election polls had Biden leading Trump by an average of ten points, and smaller margins in swing states 
 * But those leads largely evaporated on the night itself, with the outcome hinging on very narrow margins 
 * Pollsters had warned ahead of time that 'shy' Trump voters were staying quiet for fear of being abused 
 * Steve Hilton, Fox election analyst, said a 'barrage of abuse' directed at Trump voters was keeping them quiet 

Opinion pollsters have once again proved badly wrong in the US Presidential election, four years after Hillary Clinton was widely predicted to win and lost. 

Polls held just before election day this time around gave Biden an average lead of ten points nationally, and narrower leads in swing states, which all-but evaporated on the day itself. 

Nationally, Biden was predicted to lead Trump by 52 per cent to 42 per cent, according to polls. In fact, Biden has taken around 50 per cent while Trump has taken 48 per cent, with many ballots still left to be counted. 

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WNU Editor: Here is an easy prediction. Even though the polls were completely wrong .... again. In the next election cycle everyone will have forgotten how wrong the polls and their predictions/projections were in 2020. There is just too much money in it, and it can also be used to politically shape opinion. 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

"it can also be used to politically shape opinion. "

Rasssmussen was closest. 48 to 47

Biden is "winning" or "won", but I don't see Parrot here. Maybe troll has done his work. Maybe parrot, a real guy, knows he doesn't have a leg to stand on. He is "right" (Biden win) for the wrong reasons (i.e. Democrat cheated).

Is Brennan going to send his kids to Afghanistan? How about Comey?

No, I think one of Comey's kids is learning how to suck up and suck out money from the system. They are in SDNY learning from Cyrus Vance.

Speaking of Afghanistan and overseas wars.

I liked Bush. He tried to get home ownership up. He tried to boost the economy. He wasn't going to leave us defenseless. There would no "Get to the choppa" moment with him, which I really personally appreciated.

But he did not campaign for Trump. That is another reason to dislike him. He also let the Democrat use hims as a human piƱata. Now that is criminal. He is not the only one with marks after it is all over. Democrats got use to beating on and lying about Republicans. That alone is enough condemn George Bush.

Then there is George's family. George H.W. Bush (the Bush Family) rehabilitated Bill Clinton's reputation. They invited him on the Tsunami Relief.

When Bill wasn't on the plane with George H.W. Bush in Indonesia, he was on the plane with Epstein.

The whole Bush family needs to stay out of politics forever.