Wednesday, November 4, 2020

This Sums Up How I Feel


WNU Editor: If you think covering the Trump administration was an interesting ride, you can take this to the bank, the next few years are going to be even more interesting.


B.Poster said...

Trump still does have a path to victory especially if AZ is still in play. Also, the courts will need to sort out tge shenanigans regarding the mail in ballots and the denial of access to Republicans of ballot counting placrs. Obviously the evidence of fraud is very compelling or team Trump wouldn't have petitioned the courts nor would the Republican leadership have allowed team Trump to do so. Does the evidence rise to a level to render a favorable verdict to Trump? Does the Republican leadership have the stomach for this fight? Very respectfully, while the odds clearly favor team Biden at this juncture, it's premature to "call it."

Jeffsmith said...

In 4 years this will be a memory. Both parties underperformed. I didn't think that was even possible. Sad.☹️😖

RussInSoCal said...

B.Poster said...

Jeff Smith,

Everyone expected a "blue wave." Not only did this not happen but the Republicans gained seats in the House which can be built upon in 2 years, it apoears they're going to maintain control of the Senate, and Trump still has a realistic path to victory when we were told he'd lose in a landslide.

It hardly seemed as though the Republicans underperformed. I might add they were also vastly out spent.

Anon said...

it is not yet over.